Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v3

520 Chary. to. 11tí Expofition upon the Boot( of J O B. Verf. y2. yob having thus defcribed the natural conception and forma- tion ofhis body, defcendeth to his quickning and prefervation. When God had formed man out ofthe dull ot the earth, he then breathed into him thebreath of life,; and man became a living foul ; and thus when God hath formed man into Hie womb,given him skinand flefh:, bones and finews, then hegives life and breath and all rhings;neccffary, to the continuation of what he ha h wrought up to fuch excelleut,PerfeCtions.Our divine Pniiofophcr teaches us this doarine. Verfe 12. Thou haftgranted melife andfavour, and thy vifitation bath ;preJe 'edmyfpirit. This verfe'holds out to us'tha' great Charter of God to magi, -confining ofthree, royal' "grants.'Firft,- Life. Secondly, Favour. Tl iid}y, vilitation. Thebounty of God appears much in grant- ing life, more ingranting favour, 'moil ofall in his grant ot gra- cious vifìtations. 'Thou haigranted melife; &c. f jr''i°t, The letter of the Hebrew is, Thou haft made, or fitted for me V 1 1 ,iiilife andfavour. The foul is the . ornamcnt.afthe body, litè the lu- mot. fare ofour cla Thou haft not `thrown or%hudled' my life into Téeom dijpoju-. Y'. Y ¡j i wrbi, sop. my,body, thou haft put it in exquifìtely and orderly. Theframe Eyafi debit() ofthe body is an exquitte frame, but the frame, the facultics,and locoaordine. powers, the atings and motions of the foul are far more ex- quifite.The inhabitant ismore noblethen the houfe,and the jewel then the cabinet. As the life is better then meat, and the body then (artificiall)`ráiment (Mat. 6.25.) So the life is better then the body, which is to it a natural raymenr.' Thou bafigrantedme life, &c. Life is hereput;rnetónytnically for the foul,ofwhich it is an ef- feZ`f,'s the foul is often put,for the life, whereofit is a caufe. Wetranflatein the füigularnumber,lifeithe Hebrew is plural, Thouhaft grantedme lives. But hath a man more lives then one ? Some underhand Job fpeaking not of corporali, but fpiritualI. life ; as our natural life is the falcof the body, to keep that froth corrupting:fo`fpiritual life,or the life of grace, is the 'fait ofthe 'foul, to.keep that from corrupting: Scc ndly., _Thou big grantedme lives, that is, fay others, tem- poral life and eternal life. Thirdly, Lives rriay be taken for three great powers' of life. . a:v. ,..: lvlrxr