Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v3

Chap.' q. Ait Éxpoftion upoz the Bookof . 0 B. Vëtf. 12 . 52 Man hatlt own life contìfting of three diffina lives : For whereas there is a life of vegetation and growth, fuch as is in trees and plants : and a life of fate and motion, Cachas is in beans of the earth, fowls of the air, and tithes of the fea : And a life of rca- con, fetch as is in Angels, whereby they underlìaud and difcourfi:i thefe three lives, which are divided and hhared among all other living creatures, are brought together and compac` ed into the life ofman. Whole man, is the epitome or turn of the whole. Creation, being enriched and dignified with the powers of the invifble,world,and of the vifible put together,under'which noti on we may expound this Text, Thou haft- granted me lives > a three - fbldlife, or a threefold aLting and exereife ef the Vane life. Thouhaft granted. Obferve hence, . Life it thegift of God. With thee is the f,untainof lives, the.welj, or the vans oflives 'rî 11aid (`P al. 6 The PCalmif alludes, either ftrl to waters which 3 Vene vtrarat. flow from a fountain, and fo dotli life from God. Or, fecondly, to mettals,With thee it the veinoflives ; as all minerait veins, the veins.ofgold and filver, of lead and iron, &c. lye (as it were ) iu:bank, in the bofome and bowels of the earth : fo loth life its God. There is not the lean vein ofthis quick- filver, in ail the world, vbut comes from him Or, thirdly, The Pfalmitt alludeth to the veins of the body,which as fo many rivers and rivolets,de- rive their blood from that red fea the liver. God hath a fea of life in himlelf, and all that live arehli'd with life from him. This . isoneof his Royal Titles, The living God ; He is, The living,God, not only faabjeclive, becaufe he liveth, but efeGivè, becaufd he enliveneth and quickneth all living creatures,Framhim we receive ,andbreath (Aas 17. 25.) in him we live, and moue, andhave vur being, verf 28. In h'm we live, &c. that is, by birn, or t.horitzv him, ás the tame Apoille teacheth (Rom' 1.36,) The fame pow- JovFt'ortnaa .t er givethus being, and maintains it. This is true, yet the con ith, vtrß, text carrieth the prepofirion [ In further. For the Apodle fume, having aff:rted, verfe 37. He isnotfar from everyone ofus ; Cub- th r, ef} terra joyns this as a proof, For in himwe live,&c.imply ing, -,that man is, lupirercælur- iia a fenf:, contained -ín,or itivelled withGod. The divine nature,roe úr,mr cannotbe circutnícrib'dwith any thing,yet'cirturnferibeth all quípfupra things :Forwhich Paul refersttüe Athenians toile athenPocts =whoEfchyl X x x tfeak