22 Chap. td. AnExpofition upon tbe.Boe*, of J O B. Verf.12 fpake this truth in a carnal language,yet fuchas might b e fpiritu" aliz'd by a fanfiFitied underttanding. The refult of which is, 'ha God is the aatthsur and confervatour ofour liver.Thi s glory is given also unto Chrift, who is called, The Prince of life, becaufe he hath life at command, The Son gatickneth suborn he trill. Chrid Bath the power, not only ofnatural , but of fpiritual and eter- nail life , He is the Prince oflives job (peaks in the language of Princes, Thou' haft granted, &c. As they make out grants of lands and offices, fo 'God, makes a grant of life. The civil godthip of Kings and Magitirates appears much in this,that they can grant a forfeited life,either by repreivc for a time, or by pardon for ever.. It is ordinary with men, to grant others leafes for their lives, but they cannot grant them life. Princes can grant an offender 171 a lealeoftlhat life which he hath, but no Prince can grant 1 ifeto ttenotat inpone thole who have it not. That's Gods peculiar , Thou haft granted fumflultum vel me ife., esuberaniarn And favour,. born. Coc. s'rgußaiano. The word fignifieth the pored , fincerefi and moli tender coral eft fe- hindnefs, the fulled favour, the molt courteous courteCe Gen. jufàumumre aj 21. a Chap. 24 Exod. t t Ruth. t,B. Hebrecians tell us, 3 P 4 49° 5. 3 eius (Orion-xi That it noteth an exuberancy of kindneffe, fuch as breaks the tp,itst quartjuris bounds, and exceeds the - ordinary laws oflove. iris but a poor regulo. uatn way ofloving, to love Only by rule and meafure. There isno omitspieta:, bumoniras, true love can ad beyond the rule which God gives, but love iiberalitai e:- quickly exceeds the rules of men. Hence the Jews call thofe :grant, qusom- Chafidim, who arenot only juil by fìatute, giving every man his tica,xrabupub right, paying every man his due, but noble, heroical], free-heart. funs? scn.l.n. ed and open-handed in their difiribution of favours: de ira. One Expofitor by favour underfiands the feeds of grace and Erirtutum qua- vertue, etpecially of charity and mercifuinefs , which (faith dam feminario ke) feem to have been connatural to job. eribuifti mihi fkr rafin Another interpretsfavour b * f' ee-will.But I ads thefe as er- mifricordia, verfons, not expofitionsofScripture. And (hall reprefunt what is quamfibiinna_ both fafe and fuitable, tom ipfefar:- Firff,Some refirain thisfavour to that which he received in the r,)ob3i, r. womb before he was born, or the favour which he had to be g ib born, are , which is to be reckoned among very fallible favours. óitium tribu- Thou art he that tookme out of the svomb,was Dav;eds thankfull as. ifti mihi. knowledgetnent,Prsi. az, 9, The womb is to all infants a tempo é aacte xar.