Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v3

VrrC 526 Chap. io. An Expofïtion upon flee Book of J O B. t. fuck thanks. The life offence and growth is a mercy, but beans and `plants live thus : The life of rcafon is a greaterinercy, but wicked men live thus ; many are inhell,unto whom Godgranted this hfè , and they would be glad God would call in his grant, and take it from them : But unto thefe three lives God adds a fourth to his elec`f,even a life ofgrace through Jefus Chriff. This is the favour offavours, and theMelling ofall our blcffings, ex- cept-this favour be granted with our lives, it were better for us never ro have had a grant ofour lives. It is more eligible not to have been born, then not to be born again. Chefed (ueceur There isa fifth Interpretation, taking the word Chefed for Pro venujlate corporali favour, or the beauty ofthe body, we fay, filch an one corpórir. Coc. is well favoured, he bath an excellent feature ; the favour of a min is feen in the feature of his face. Favour is the perfeUion of beauty. Some have a clear mixture of white and red, yet no fa- vour. In this fenfc the word is ufed (Ifa.,10.6.) Where the Lord makes a proclamation, The voicelaid, Cry, andhefaid, Ina/AA I cry?All flefh isgrafe, and the goodlinefs thereof as theflower of the field; The word which we tranflategoodlinefs, is Chefed,All flefh is graft (man withers quickly) and Chefed, the goodlinefr there- of, all ofman, his favour, beauty, ftrength, all thefe areas the flower of the field. Some read goodnefs for goodlinefr ; the fink holds, ifwe take it fo: the natura!l,themorali goodnefs ofa man is but a flower. As no goodlinefs, fo no goodnefs ofman, except fpiritual,lafleth long,aud that laleth long and long,even for ever: Grace is not as the flower of the field, that is, durable fubfiance that (as the Prophet fpeaks there of the word ofGod in v. 8.) fhall nand for ever. The grace ofGod is as lafling as the wordof God, for his word is the external! feed or principle ofgrace. But all other goodnefs and goodlinefsof man,how good, howgoodly foever, his other beauty, how beautiful! foever, his ftrength,how ftrong, hisfavour,how well favoured f ever, is but as the flower of the field, which is either cut down while i. is green, or loon fades while it Hands. Take favour in this fcnf, and the fenfe of the whole verte is harmonious and found.7honhaft grantedme life; my body isfor- med and quickned, and more then fo, Then hailgiven mefavour, my body is full of beauty and come;inefs. The comelinels of the body isa favour received, and many receive favour, becaufe they arc comely. horneither ofwhic11 confiderations we may call