Chap. ID An Expofitien upon the Book of J ÒB. Verf la. 527 call the comelinefs of the body favour, and it is no common fa- vour, God denies this to many ; hegrants them the lifeofnature, but not favour, yea, he grants many the life ofgrace, but not fa- vour : Beautifttll fouls are often ill-boufed ; andfilthyfouls clearly boufed;'ris admirable when both beauties meet in the fame man M,fes was a goodly cbilde (Exod. 2. 2.) and a good man. As grace in the inward man is the bell favour, fo favour is graceful to the outward man. Thouhalfgranted one life andfavour, And thy vifitation bath prefervedmyfpirit; Hare is the third benefit to this Royal! grant, the vifitation of i¡al God. One reads, 7bypref ence. A fecond , Thy affijtance; A infpeafo. third, Thy infpeili:,n, thyover- looking or fuperintendency bathpre- ñ nintO- fervedmyfpirit x The H..brew word tìgnifies, The yifitation ofa. "N1e' Scpr* fuperiour over an.inferiour, as whenmatters inquire into their Vt nalloe families, or governors into their Colledges and Hofpitals, to fee Dáinorm f whether the ttatutes and orders appointed by the founders and `uperioruea, benefactors be obferved. There is a three-fold visitation of God cum dDe r held forth in Scripture. tar pro d rovieutt% i. A vifitation of condemnation. God visits to take venge- ance by dettruf}ive punifhménts,when warning is not taken, nor repentance Chewed after correClive punishments. Shall not I vifit" for thefe things ,faith the Lerd?Shall not myfoul be avengedonfitch' a Nation its this 1 Jer. 5. 9. 2. A vifitation of correction (Pfal. &9. 32. ) If thy childrete J'rfake my Law,&C. then will I vifit their trangreffion with the rod,, and theiriniquity with jiripes ; Neverthelefi, my loving kindneft mil I not utterly takefrom him,&c. Though they break my laws,yet L will not break Covenant, they shall fmart for it, but they flail not perifh for it. This is a" fatherly visitation. 3. A vifitation.of confolatíon. And this two- fold. r. For deliverance out ofan evil etlate, and that either.temporall, the. Lord is laid to vifit his people Ifrael, when he delivered themout of Egypt ( Exod. n}., al.) or fpiritual and eternal, God bath vifitedand redeemedhispeople,faíth the bleffedVirgin (Lnk.i. 68.) that is, he hath vifited his people, to redeem them from fin and Satan, death and hell, by Jefus Chrifl. Secondly (Which is more proper to this text) there is a vifita- tion, for protecting in a goodetlate. When God (havingcau- fed.