-m e ßy28 Chag.i o. Ott Expofition upon the Bock of OL. Vetf. ta. fed our line to fall in a fair place ) draws his line ofprovidentiall communication found about us, fo M. Bróughton trantlates, Life and loving kjndnefs haft thou dealt to me, andthy providence prefer- veth. my fpirit.As ifjob had faid ;Thou ded)i not billygiveme life and favour, but thou d.( prote imefor manyyears in thr enjoyment of fwvciïrs.Providence was the hedge, not only of his outward but ofhis inward efface, Thyvifitation lath preferved my fyinit., The Verb which we translate, bathpreferved, fign-iticth to prey SUrnmafelertia terve , both by ttrength and watchfulnefs The Noun exprk .th Watch argq dil. antis po/lextr,ca. a towerinHebrew,becaufea watch-man itandetk upon his emu, aberravit-, Tower; and looks round about him,to efpy and give notice of ap- a t (olenr cir to proaching dangcrs.The Lordpreferveth bothwayeS,by his watch-. diti et extu44 fulnefs,and by his firength: his eyeis wakefull enoughand his arm milurne, vel 8Ye8um cu, /1a- is powerful! enough to preferve us.He that keepeth Ìfrael !loth nri- ded, theeHumber nor ¡Jeep (PC 121, r, ? the Creatoui. if the ends of the earth fuinteth not, neither is-weary (I fa 40. as.) He that is thus Wak, full, can card vitit, and he that is thus powerful!, tanealily preferve thole whom he vititeth. 7 by vifitatiou bath prefervedmy fpinit. aiBut how did the vititation of God preferve the fpirit of Job ? "what are we to uuderttaud -by his fpirit, which was thus pre- , ? The fpirit of a man is taken three wayes ; Firft, For life. Thus God keepeth us from death, while he pre- ferves our (pints. Secondly, For thefoul.Thus God prefervethour ¡pints, while he keeps us from falling- into, or from falling in temptation while he keeps our corruptions from prevailing and our graces from decaying. Thirdly, The fpirit of man is taken for his courage. Thus God preferveth our fpirits, while he keeps us from needlefs fears; and cowardlydefpondcncies. Doubtlels job had experience of the vilìtation of G-)d preferving his fpirit inall thefe fenfec, yet here he feems chiefly to intend the prefcrvation of hisl fc, which God had granted himwith favour, or of thefc comforts which were granted him with his life.' Hence'obCerve. Firft in generali,- 2hat what Gsdgraníteth, hepreferveth. It