Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v3

Chap. so: 'An Expoftion upon the BookofJ O B. Verf. T2. hands: But becaule it is grace, therefore it is not left in our-own 'hands,and becaufe grace is not left in our own hands, therefore it cannot be lott.So the Apofile clearly(a Pet.s.ç.)We are kept by the power ofGod throughfaith unto falvation. The word fignifies to keep, as a City beleagueredwithout "by a ftrohg enemy,is kept by a'Garifon.Man had at the firft an excellent cflate in fpirituals though it cannot be laid (properly) that he had grace (for that is in the hand ofa Mediator)yet he had the image of God alifd per- ked innocency, bnt becaufe God did not vifit his fpirit by frefh äffiftanccs,hewas itript ofall, and fell from the throne ofhis cre- ated glory. As God vilits our fouls by preventing grace, to give us what we had not r fo he vifits us by 'his preferving and perfe- veringgrace, to continue what he bath given. Lattly, Forafmuch as (though God createth and careth for the whole man; yet) the vititation of God is exprefhed only, as to the fpirit.- wemay obíerve, That .Goddoth"chiefy take care of, andprovide for the fpirit or foul of man, When God formed the bodyofman at fïrft, out of the dull of the earth, and breathed into his nofirils the breath_ of life,it is not laid +4Ne became a living body , or a living man , But, man became a living foul. So here; the work ofprovidence is not en- larged to the whole man, but refirained tohis fpirit ; as ifthe Lord did fcarce think our bodies either worth, or-needing avilit in comparifon ofour fpirits: And feeing God cares for nothing in us, fo much as for our fpirits, fhouldnot our carebe chiefly for our fpirits ? The foul is(upon the matter)all man,ought not man tobe molt ofall for his foul ? Shall the thoughtsof God be molt bufied, his care and infpetionmots fixed upon our fpirits, and (halt not ours?While Chritl in a manner difchargeth us ofour out- ward man (Mat. 6.25.) Take no thought for your life, whatye fhall eat, or what ye (hall drink, nor yet for your body, whatye put on`; His meaning was, to charge us more deeply with the inward man ; yet howmany are there, whole outward man ftands them in more coil and care, in more thoughts and vifitatr- ons for one day,then their fpirits or inward man doth for a whole year, yea, rtheir whole lives! Vititations are frequent and ferionsforl>) e_prefervingofthe body : but where (hall we-finde feriois thoughts of vifiting the foul ? Take this word further, Ifit be the vifitation ofGod whichipre- Y Y Y 2 ferveáb 531