Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v3

46 Chap. 'S. r4rt Expofition upon the Pook, ofJ O B. Ve rf., 6> then thy houféfhall be better ; when thy heart, and thylifechange thy eJeatefhatl change ; and thofí comforts which have fo longbeen ftran- gersfrom thee 'hall return;thy banifh'dmercies /hallcome homeagain, adorn tby walls, anditrengthen thy family. This is the fum of what he promifeth in thefe words, He will make the habitation of thy righteoufnefs profperous. Hence obferve, Firft, Profperity is in the power ofGod. Ifhe awakes he can make us profperous and peaceful'. If he do but fpeak the word our captivity (hall return. He faith to a dry fiick,flourifh,and to a green tree,wither:his word is cloathed with power to do good or evil. Secondly, Obferve, A righteous habitation 'hall be a profperous habitation. Whether we refpedi perfons,families or nations,thus it is in the ordinary difpenfations of God. As in regard ofour fpiritual and eternal eftate, The workof righteoufnefs is peace (Ira. 32. 17.) fo,in regard ofour temporal and outward. Chrift who is the Prince of righteoufnefs, is alfb thePrince of Peace.' He brought righteouf- nefs into the world, and then peace came into the world. If he had not made anhabitation ofrighteou(ñefs in the world, there had never been an habitation ofpeace in the world :in that work bfhis,the foundation of our profperity was la id.Jefus Chrift who as a Preift purchafed our peace, is alto, The King of righteoufnefs. Bleflings crown the head ofa righteous people (Jer. 31. 23.) They (hallfay,rhe Lord biefs thee, 0habitation ofrighteoufnefs. If thou art a habitation ofrighteoufnefs, a ble(lìng (hall reft upon thee The KingdomeofGod is not meat and drink, but righteoufnefs and peace, andjoy in the holy Gboft;Rom. a4. 17. as the (piritual King- domeof God is righteoufnefs, peace, and joy in the holy Ghot So the joy and peaceof wórlJly Kingdoms is not meat and drink, but righteoufnefs. When Kingdotñes are holy, habitations, theÿrwill loon be quiet habitations. In Ifa.26.2.0penye thegatts that the righteous Nationwhich keepeth the truth may enterin ;thou 'halt keep him inperfeei peace.God will give and preferve the peace' of the righteous. Righteoufiefs is the pillar of a State, and theparent ofpeace. The mountains (Pfl. 72. 3.)Jhall bringpeace to thepeople, and the little hills, by righteoufnefs.plant righteouf- nefs upon barren hills and Mountains, and peace will flourifh there.