Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v3

532 An Expofitton upon the Book of j O B. Verf. 13. ferveth ourfpirits,we fhould often vilit God with prayer, intreat- ing him to continue thefe vititations. Prayer is our vifiring God, as providence is Gods viliting ofus, and we fhould vilìt God by prayer not only(as they, /Jà 26. )in trouble, but in our peace : we fhould delire him to vitit our eftates, our families, but efpecially our fouls and fpirits in their molt flourithitig condition. The A- pollle ufeth it as an arg.tttnent tokeep us fromdillracting thoughts (Phil. 4..2.) Letyour moderation be knownunto all men. The Lord is at hand; be carefull in nothing, but in every thing byprayer and fupplication,letyour requefi be made known unto God, TheLord is at hand let not your hearts be troubled. çVifit God in duty who is at hand tovifit you in mercy. Though there bean infinite diftance between God and man, yet God is not far from any man, and he is ever near force men. Let not us be ttrangers to God, when we hear he maketh continual yitì.ts to us. Thy vifitation dothpre- ferve myfpirit. Verfe 13. And theft things haft thou bidin thine heart," Iknow that this le with thee Some read the firtt claufe (which adds fharpnefs to it) with an. interrogation.. Andhay. thou bid theft things in thine heart? is it fo.with thee, or haft thou dealt fowith me indeed ? The heart of God, is the will, purpofe or decree of God : Thefe are a vats repofitory, wherein all th ngs are laid up. Andt hefe things haftthou bid, &c. What things ? what is the antecedent to thefe things ? i. Some fay, His afflictions, Thefe things, that is thefe afflicti ons, which thou haft now laid upon nie, were hid in thine heart :. thou haft ihewcdme many favours,while in fecret thou didit pare rods for me. The.antecedent to tbefe things is mercy, life,favour and vift- tation, fpoken of before, fayothers ; as ifYob ? had fpoken thus This bill of bleffiugnow read, theftpriviledges now reckonedup, were . bidden in thine heart : thou.haff had gracious intentions towards, me, while.thou haft beenfmitingme: l know all this is with thee. S`üoquía sta.. That is, Thou rem:m5reft all this, and keepett a record ofit verjoum men thee. The Vulgar miltes.this the text, Iknow thou. rem.embrefr aesnrit Vulg all things; or all men. Sume