Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v3, An Expofition upon the Boo of J o B. VerC13. 533 Some (fuppofing the anteccdcxt to be his afflitlións) make out this harsh and unbecoming feule , as if job had thus uttered $ yliLeenu. his minds to God, I now perceive thou haft had coles of anger ra- 1. v`;lut in ani- ked up in the afhes, while thofe warm beams of love didThine uponme. tmerrrut oajortJà 7hou'baft held out mercy in thine band,but fomerohat elfe lay in thine num a7r1glJct heart. This interpretation in the common underflanding of it, is utnecopinan- mofi unworthy of God. It is the wickednefs of mt.n to (peak fair, tcmopprimerst and do tome courtefiLs, while cruelty and revenges are hid in 4tr XqcPma their hearts. When Efau (Gen. 27.41.) law hinafelf defeated of the blctlïng by his brother, fieLaid in his heart, The dyes of mourning for my father are at hand, then will I flay my brother Jacob : Here's the charac` er of m.1 ce, he gave neither brother nor mother ill language , but he faid in his heart. The ho- ly God never fpeaks good to them , to whom he intends e- vil. The Creatour needs not daub or prevaricate with his crea- tures. !grant indeed that the Lord giveth many wicked men out- ward favours, and (peaks them fair in his works, but he never (peaks them fair in his Word , Say, We to the wicked, it fhall be ill with him, for thereward ofhis hands (hall begiven him(Ifa.3. r a.) Men are apt to flatter, but flattery is much an abomination to the Lord, as it is below him. I grant alto, That the Lord giveth his o%n people many fa- vours, and fpeaketh real kindnefies to them, while he hides af- fliflion in his heart. What evil foever he brings upon -them, he bath thoughts todo themgood, and hath nothing but good for, them in his thoughts. We underhand by thole hidden things, the mercies which Job withhis lati breath had enumerated :,then the words import two ..h ings : Firft, Anargument to move the Lord not to defiroy him, or to affure his own heart that he would not. As if he had laid, .Lord,,I know thou remembrefi well,what thou haft done for me, what coti thouhaft been at in making meat finii, and in prefer- vingme hitherto , Curtly then thou wilt not pull all down in a moment. Secondly.The words may import that the Lard in a/Biding job had ufed only akinde of facred diflienulation. A diffembler car- rieth himfelf, as ifhehad no intent todo what he is refolved to do i it is ufual withmen thus to diffemble hatred, and fo have Come