Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v3

5 34 Chap. i o. Ait Expofation upon the Bookof J O 13. V erf,\i 3. force their love. He that tpurpofeth much 'good t@ another, hi- deth it fometitnes under fowr language and unkindtft ufuage. Joferb had molt endeared affetio toward his brethren, yet he put a difguifeof anger upon it, aging the -part of a fevere man, who lyeth at catch to ande out advantages.andpick qü feph ufed many ftratagems of love, to entangle his brethren, and wrap t up his good will, in hard fpeeches, and rough carriages -: Nothing appearing lefs then what indeed lie molt was, A lov- ing brother forgetful) of nothingbut injuries ; job feems w have had fuch a conception of God while he faith, Thefe things hail thou bid in thine heart and then his fenfe rileth thus, Lord, I know th,u beareftfavour andgoodwill towards mejtill. .7he fire of thy love it not extinïit Gut covered. Thou dit but perfonate an ene- my, thou art my friend.: thou draweft a cloud betwixt me and the light of tby countenance, but thy countenance irfill as:full oflight towards me as ever, and though I-fee nothing butfarrows on every fide, yet Iknow mercies are hid in thineheart. Thus the words are an atfertion of job's faith and affurance, that God loved him, while his chaftenings lay malt heavy upon hi-m. Hence obferve, Firft, That the Saints while -they are Jlrong infaithrtble to difcern the favour of God through the clouds -and coverings 'fbismofl angrydi- ft eh(ations. This they can do, and when 'they can, they are arrived at a rgreat height in grace. To maintainour inter-eft in Chrilt through diCadvantages,is ftrong faith. The woman of Canaan (Mat. i 5. 26.) knew her pardon and acceptance were hid in the heart of Chrift, while he called her dog,and would fcarce vouchfafe to caft an eye upon her. Faith did this; and faith can do 'the like at this day. But every true-faith will not do it. There is a kinde of- miracle wrought in fuch beleiving : SoCh rift concludes with that woman(v.28.)O woman;great is thy faìtb.Truth of grace is not e- nough for every workof grace: Come works will not be done without ftrength, as well as truth.' Weak faith is ready to fay, Mercy is loft, when it is but hidden, and that God means us no good, when we donot enjoy good. But the ftrong faith fpeak= ethon this wife ; -Lord, Iknow there is mercy in thine heart towards me, though Ifee nothing in thyface butfro feel nothing from thyhand but blows. Let God do what he pleafeth withme, Iwill not bave a jealous thought of him, or Jtsfpe51 his intentions- towards me