Chap. t o . An Expofition upon' the Bookof J O$. Vérf.-t jo 535 r7 me, whatfoever his aElions be. Secondly, obferve, We maygather argumentsofJport in our greatejl fufferingsfrom the !apprehenfion of concealed meacies. The skill and holy fubtilty offaith can winde it fell in Gods bofome, and [rimwhat it tindes lying fecretly there for us,encou- rages us to bear what is openly laid upon us. Lally, Obferve, A beleivar looks uponall his receives, as coming out ofthe heart of God. As he can look into his own heart, and fee all the Command- ments and revealed counfels ofGod hidden there, fo he can look into the heart ofGod, and fee all the comforts he wanteth hid- den there. Men of the world, take their comforts only from the - hand of God; Saints take theirs from the heart of God. It put- tedi the price uponevery billing, whenwe can look upon fpe- ciail love, as the fpring of it. Look how much of the heart of our friend we can fee in a courtefie,fo much tr ue value there is in it. Hence it is ufual with man,when he wonld exprefs his freenefs to thole who delire a favourat his hands,to fay, Yes, Take it with heart a:zel goodwill,you have it mith all my heart: We read ofone, who complainedLie had received but a golden cup, when he faw another receive a kiTfe from a nobs; Princ e. A kifhe is à better gift then a cup ofGold. Love is the riches prefent, How happy then are they,who have the golden cup,and a kits too?much from thehand, and all from the heart, from the love ofGod. lob having thus reviled and read over the particular ofhis for- mer mercies received from the bounty and free love of God, re- vives his complaint about , and renews his delire of deliverance fromprefent Corrows in his next addrefs toGod. vi a J