Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v3

5-5-36 Chap. ¡o. 4 e Expofition upon the Bookof J O B. Verf.r 4 J O B, Chap. s o. Verf 14, 15, 16, r 7. I f I fin, then thou markefl me,and thou wilt not acquit me frommine iniquity. I f [' be wicked,mo unto me; if t be righteotts.yet will not lift up my herd : [ am fullof confufion, therefore fee thoumine affîiciion. For it encreafeth ; thou huntefi me as a fierce Lyon, and again thou fhezv.efl thy Pelf marvellous upon me. Thou renerwefi thy ,witnefJes againfi me, and encrteaffI thine indignation upon me;changes antiwar are againfl me. "1"' He connetion of there words lyeth fomewhat in the dark, 1 and this inevidence hath caufed divers conjectures about it. 1.Some make the connection with the 13. verfe, l know (raid yob) that this is with thee; and herehe declareth what was with him, namely, that, ifIfin, then thou market} me, andthou wilt not acquit mefrommine iniquity, a. The connection is made by others with the i z. verfe, Thou haft grantedme lift andfavour, and thy vifitation bath preferved anyfpirit, yet ifI fin thou markelí me, &c. As if fob had Paid, Though thou haft beenpleated tomake fo many grants offavour, and haft done all thofe things for me, which were hidden in thine heart, yeti know thou wilt not bear with, or connive atcne,if I fin againft thee : Thou haft not given me thole mercies, that I (hould be imboldened to tranfgrefs the rule of thy juíhice ; no, though thou haft done much for me, Yet if fin, thou markeli me, a td thou wilt not acquit mefrommine iniquity. 3. A third goeth higher, and makes there words depend upon the third verfe,where Job puts three queries to God ; the fait of which is, I.e itgood lento thee that thou fhouldeft thine upon the court- fel of the wicked? I know it is not,for('tis like I might efcape as well as another,yet,(ìf Ifin,thou rnarketi me,and thou wilt not ac- quit mefrom mine iniquity ; IfI be wicked,wo unto me. Mine own experience proves thee far enough from fhining upon the counfel of the wicked, Beholdjclouds and darknefs are upon me, There