Chap. i o. An Expofitien ttpon the B.okof J O B. vert. 14. 537 There is a fair fente in any of theft conneftions ; which to determine is not rafle ; I (ball leave all three before the Read- er. Verft r 4. IfIfin, then thou markefl me. Iflfi's. Sin flandeth here in' pofitiou to wickednefs ; Thou wilt not Thine upon the counfel otrhe :ricked. And, verfe :5. IfI be wicked, then :Coe unto me, for if I fn_.then thau markeft me. Sin is any tranfgreffion againft, or deviation (doughbut an hairs bredth) from the rule, if fail be it never fo little. Then thou markeff me. The Original bath four fìgníñcations, which occafion as many 17N, different interpretations ofthe Text: %irft, Topreferve, and that two wayes; firft, by protecting from thole evils which others wouldbring upon us(Pfal. :41.9.) Keep mefrom the filare which theyhave laid. That is, P; oted the from the danger which their (hare's threaten me with. Swat the a ath verfe of this Chapter, Thy vifitation clothpreferve my fpirit, Secondly, It is rendred to preferve by fearing, or not bringing Si eccavi et thofe evils upon us , which our fins have deferved. So the ad borampe- Vulgar here, who tomake out his fenfe, puts the latter into pereifü mihi, the form of an interrogation, IfI havefinned, and thou haft fps- &c. Vutg. redmefor atime, Wherefore then daft thou not acquit mefrom mine iniquity ? As if the meaning of jobwere this. When in former times I finned againfi thee, thou wall pleafed to remit ofthy fe> verity, and deal gently withme, Thou didjt(pare me, as afather fpareth afon thatferveth him. Why is the tenour of thy difpen- fationsfo much changed from what it was, feeing thou art a God that changeft not, and I am but what I was, a weak and changeable man? Why am I not charged with fin, and not let free as fometimes (I have been ) from forrow, the fruit of it? Wilt thou deal withme, who fin out of infirmity, or a- gainft my will, as with thofe who are wicked, and have a wiil to lin? Secondly, To prevent others from doing what they de ire, or our felves.fromwhat they fear (Pfal.i8.23.;I wit upright before. and i I{ept my felffrommine iniquity ; As if he had fa{d, . I havemaintained fuch a ttrica watch over my own heart, that I Zz,Z have