Chap. jo. Art Expofition upon theBookofJ O B. Verf. z 4 5 39 of his grace, either by his word or by his works ) into ¡wanton- zaefs. God will not cocker his own children; and dandle them fo, as to forget to cotrea them , if they forget him and their own duty. If Ifrael fin, Ifrael (lull fmirt for it; and if fob fin, Job muff look to be laid in pdíon for it. Thus he fpeaks acquit- tingGod from (pining upon the counfels of Wicked men , Pee- ing he will not fpare, no not his own children , if they lin a- Wade dutt a gainft him. videtur, ur,jÿ Secondly; The fence is given by an Interrogation, lf! fin, guidpetcave. Wilt thou therefore¡but meup inprifn ? Wilt thou not acquit me rimperpetud frommine iniquity? And Co h pl adeth w ithGod, as ufing too me incarcera much feveri y and harthnefs again({him, What, fhall I be laid by Qf moáeu -, the heelsfor everyfault ?Shall I be arrejied and clapt up in irons for fleas, reg;un everyfin? Wilt thou imprifon me, and not acquit mefrom mine quant prccni iniquity? They whoare molt wicked, deferve no work then this, penesremit- and {hall I,ifI do but fin, receive Cuch mealure ? Where are thy ;1714' compactions, and the foundingof thy bowels ? are they retrain- Anftmutacpce- ed ? It fhould fecal fo, elfe thou woulde{t not thus retrain and co obje yesote, imprifon me. er. jul, Thirdly, As an imprecation, If I have finned, according as I Verbaluraptic am charged, imprifon meas tong as thou wilt, anddo not acquit me fuare ñnoren frommine iniquity: if I amCuch a man as my friends judgeme to ti m,J, peccato be, I expel no favour; let me be poor and tick (till, torture iriprecorvuhi me,rack me,dowhat thou wilt withme. Like that of David,Pfal. durp'mam cue. 7. 4, 5 . I f Ihave rewarded evil unto him that was at peace with me, J1. iamBold. &c. Let theenemyperfecute myfoul and take it, yea let him tread down my life upon the earth, and lay mine honour in tbeduff. I ask no favour, ill am Inch a man as mine enemies have reprefenteel me : or if I have done that for which they challengeme. Fourthly,Toobferve and mark, it importeth a critical, a cu- rious obfervation ; to mirkexafly, (Pfal. i 3o. 3.) Ifthou, Lord, fbouldff mark iniquity,who Jhall(land? But Both not the Lord mark ina uity ? Doth not he take notice of every fin aced by any ofthe children ofmen, edfaecially by his own children ? Why then doth the Pfalmitt put it upon an If ? If thou, Lord, (hould- ea mark iniquity. 'Tis true, the Lord marksall iniquity to know it, but he doth not mark any iniquity in his children to condemn them for it a So the meaning of the Pfatin is, That if the Lord Jkould mark fin, with a aril and leyere eye, as a Judge to charge it upon the perfon finning, no man could bear it. Matter Z z z a Broughtots