Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v3

54o Chap.1a. Expof tionupon the Book of J OB. Verf. 140 Broughton tranflates, when 1 fin, thou doff watch me ; watching Referrur ad is more then marking ; as if the Lord had taken up a Rand upon a exPi. tram high place, and did there compofe himfelf to fee what's done ; or. Vet obfrva- to make annotations upon tke whole text of mens lives all the . tianem univer- forum humane world over. vita o£ttonum. Whence obferve, Itab.Abran. That God takes notice of the fins and failings ofhis ownpee. Tygur. Reg. pie. Jervarme IfI fin, then th©u markefl me ; and in the ,4,th Chapter, verfe tte ungnom g6j.Thou numbre[t myfleps, doff thou not watch over myfin ? Thou itateant perm numbrefi my Reps, What Reps? He meaneth not the Reps of his ra Augufi. outward, but of his inward man : or the flees of his outward uotiei pecca- man in order to the inward. There is a morali walking, Walk, :2;s a iinè d tlign. before me and be upright : walking is converting or aging : fo, n- r4iii.,Mcre, Thou nun breft my fteps, thou tenet} my morali ¡lotions, the at` - ingsofmy foul and body,what I do, and what I think, Dog' thou not watch over myfin? And again (Gimp. 31. 4.) Doth not het' fee my cnayes,a:nd count all my fteps?That is, howmy converfationt is ordered, both toward himfelf, and toward my neighbour ? Thus the Lord counteth all our fteps,we cannot ftep afìdtor tread awry, but he obferves us, There are two that keep-4 record of our lives. fiirft, God he followeth us up and down, as with pen, ink, . and paper to writeour adings. Secondly, Our own coníciences (which are as God within us) keep a record too, they write our lives, and count our fleps. Many cannot read the bookof Confcience,and fo know little that is in it : But a time will come (if Confcience, be not purged by the blood of Chrii) when they fhall perfe tly read all their fins . in the bookof Confcience. And ifconfcicnce, which is Gods de- puty,then,much more God,who is the Judge of confcience mark- eth us if we fin. God needs not judge upon information, but up- on his own obfervation.He will reprove everyman whom he Both not pardon : and is able to fet before us in order, whatfoever any of us have done. How then do Come fay, That Goçlfees notfin in his children ? Job faith, that God marked his fin ;` but according to thisdoctrine, he íhould rather have Paid, If jffin, thou Alb not snarkme. Some through ignorance fin. and fee it not, Sin and per- ceive it not ; but no man (among all the multitudes ofmen) cata din unfern, or unperceived by God, IfIfin then :bat marl eff me. And