Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v3

Chap.ter. An Expofttion upon the Bookrif J O B. Verf. ti, 5; I .. And thou wilt not acquit mefrommine iniquity. 17I1 :"tt7 Non purges me Will not the Lord acquit? why have we á Gofpel then? what's utfim immunit the bufinefs ofmercy ? and where's the efficacy ofthrifts blood? ab omuipeece! Doth not this purchafe, and do not theyoffer acquittances from ta, iniquity ? The words are interpreted three wayes. Firft, That Job fpeaks from his unbeleif,as if he could not par- don through the thick cloud ofhis troubles,or haveanyevidence, that God hath mercy in (lore for him, while he endured fuch plenty ofmiferies. Secondly, that he fpeaks thus, upon a fuppofttion of inpeni- tency ; as if he had faid,ifI fin and humble not my felt, thou wilt not acquit me. Thirdly, That by ini quity he means his afllidion, putting the caufe for the effet:So,Tbou:wilt not acquit me frommine iniquity, is, thou wilt not takeaway there afliiuions, which arecounted as theproceed or ijf"ue of mine iniquity. Hence obferve, Firft, Sin is a debt. Every acquittance fuppofeth an obligation. Ml men, as crew tures,are in a debt ofduty to God,and when they fail in that,they are in a debt of penalty, as finners. Obferve, fecondly, When fin ispardoned,tbe fanner is acquitted, his debt is taken off, and bis bonds are cancelled. Pardón is our difcharge, our quietus ejl, Pealed in the bloodof Chrift. All procefsat law, or from the law, is then prohibited : there's no more to be faid, or done againft us. Again, The word fignifes to cleatafe and ;purge, as well as to acquit ;Note from it, Zbat as frn,defileth thefeast, fopardon cleanfethit. Purge me'witb hyfop, and I(hall be clean ; math me, and Ifhall be whiter thenfnow, was David: prayer for pardon after his'great defilement, Pfal. 7.Ifwe confers ourfins,he isfaithful andjut soforgive us ourfins, and to cleanfe us from all unrighteoufnefs, John r. 9. Fourthly, Forafmuch as Yob groaning under burdens of for. row fpeaks fooften about the pardon of fin, we learn, That while fin remaineth -(to our fenfe) unpardoned, the foul