Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v3

Chap. S. in Expofïtionupen the Book of J O B. Verf. G. 4.7 I might hence infer a corallary, by the rule of contraries, That Vnrighteouftefs makes unprofperous and unpeaceable habitations. An habitationofidolatry and faife worfhip, an habitationofcru- elty and hard dea'ling,ihall be a,n,habitation:for owls and Ihreech- owls,'a.dwelling place for every unclean bird and beaff tiftefe (hall take up their lodging within fuch walls,and- mak etheir netts in fuch chambers... Whilft we are fil'd, as the Apoftle charaderizeth the Gentiles, ( Ron. 'I.) with all: unrighteoufnef ; it is no marvel ifwe are tilled with all trouble. The Prophetatlalachi brings in Edom thus re- &Cling upon himfelf (Chap. r . q..) whereas Edom faith, T am im- pover:fhed,&c. Edom began to be fenfible all was not well with him_ Hereuponhe advifes upon a way to help himfelf, and con- cludes,We will return and build the defolateplaces. 'This was their refolve; but what faith God to it?Even this, will ye build, ye (hall build,I will giveyou leave to build, but I will throw it downagain, I will fpoyl your work.Why would the Lord be thus fevere?The next words give a reafon,Tbeyjhall call thee;the border ofwickednefs, the peopleagainft whom the Lordbath indignationfor ever. Wickednels is a largeword,and takes in all unrighteoufnefs towards man,aswell as impiety towards'hatbuilding can- not f}andlong, whereunrighteoufnefs lies between the timber andthe. 'tones. Godwillpulldorn by night, what filch men buildby day. If then we wouldhave buildings Rand, and our habitations prole- rous, let us labour to build with juftice, and make ours thehabi- tations ofrighteoufnefs.Loak,upon it in families,that which- wi - thers the comfort ofa family,'in children, in fervants, is .the un- righteoufnefs found in a family ; if there be unrighteoufnes there, no wonder if there be decayes and difcontents there too. If there be unrighteoufnefs inCities; If(Pfi1.55. II.) deceit and gioiie go nit out ofour flreet.r, no marvel, if complaining: go not out ofour fireets.We call for peace and profperity,O that peace would corne! but ifour hearts were fet upon this,ifwe labouredevery one with himfelf, and every one with his brother, and every one with the publick to the uttermoft ()flits line., that we may in our perlons, in our families, in our policies, be an habitation of righteoufnefs;. how loon fhould'we: all bea profperous habitation, an habitation ofpeace ? Two things. make a Nation an habitation of righteouf- 0