5+4 Chap. i o. yin Expof tionupon the Bookof JOB. Verr 15. foul feeth no way toget out offorron':. The removing ofaflliffiop is a fign that ûn is forgiven; and the fenfeofour forgivenefs,is an argument that affliction (hall be removed. Fifthly; taking theformer words inconjunóion with there, If .I fin (knowingly and wickedly, as they charge me) 7bon wilt not a (quit mef rommine iniquity. Obfcrve, That a perfifing/inner, isan unpardonedf niter, There is abundant mercy for returning limners, but lknow of none for thole that refolve to go on in fin. There is a promife cf repentance,' and a promife to repentance, but there isno premife which doth not either offer or require repentarree,Repent and thou ¡halt bePaved is the tenour of the Gofpel, as well as beleive and thoujhalt befaxed. Thoughmany who are going on in their fins, are overtaken by grace, yet .there is no grace prorni1rd to thole who go on in their fins, The holier}are thrcatned with wrath if they do ; furely then,noncare put into an expel ation of mercy, if they do. The promifes either linde us repenting, or they caufe: us to repent. No firmer is pardoned for repentance, or with- out it. job (peaks that language more clearly in the words follow- ing, which tome make an expofition of there. Vert is.* IfThe wicked, wo unto me. IfIbe wicked. What it is to be wicked, hath been (hewed, and thedifference between a wicked man an tanner difcovered, at the 7th verfe, upon thofe words, Thou keowe that Iam not wicked. Woe unto me. The word is derived (faith one of the Rabbins j from a root fignifying to bowl : Great mourning is a kinde of howling; and they who are in woe, are bid to howl (lfa,13. 6. Ch,p. 23 1,8cc.) Wicked men howl rather then pray in their difirefs, becaufe of their extream worldlywoe, They have not creed unto me with their hearts, when they howled upen their bedr,Hof. 7.4. There are legal woes, and there are evangelical woes. The Law cries woe, and fo Both. the Gofpel : Gofpel woes are the theworfer ofthe two; for litheLaw fay woe to us, the Gofpel may fay mercy tous; but if the Gofpel fay, woe to us (as it doth to hypocrites, whoabufe, and to unbcleivers, who retufe mercy)