Chap. ro . An Expofition upon the Bookof O B. Verfr 5. 143 mercy) where (hall we have mercy ? All woes may be under- flood in thisplace, Law-woes and Gofpe! woes, temporal] woes and eternali woes , if ! be wicked then woe unto me. Hence ob- ferve, Woe is theportion ofwicked men. Though they laugh, yet woe is their portion, yea theyare therefore threatned with woe, becaufethlaugh (Luk.6 25.) Woe untoyou that laugh now, for yefhallmourn and weep. Some wicked men are as merry, as if mercy were their peculiar. But wemay fay to their mirth, what doth it ? Or if we thould ask them, What they do to make themfelves fo merry: David will rettive us what their courfe is (Pfal. 36. 2.) The wickedflatter eth himfclf iri his own eyes,untill his iniquity befound to be hateful. He that would be flattered, (hall never want a flatterer, for if none will do it, he will do it himfelf. He fpeaks well of himfelf. and therefore he thinks all's well.But ufually he hath fome others ready enough to fpeak well ofhim too. The trueProphets comet plained of the falfe for crying, peace, peace, when therewas nopeace, for laying all is weil,when they (hould fay, all is woe. But though wickedmen flattez themfelves, and though they get their neigh- bours to ratter them, yea though the Miniflers flatter them, yet God will not flatter them ; and at !ail their own Confciences will not flatter themneither. Confcience will preach them a Sermon of woes at laid , though poffibly it hath been filent through ignorance, or filenced through malice for a long time. As all the promifes of grace and mercy hang over the heads of thegodly and fincere ; which way foever they go, a cloud of bkfhngs drops and ditlils upon them : So clouds of wrath, and brood hang over the heads ofwicked men,, dropping upon them, yea droppingupon themwhen they fuppole the Sun (hineth up- on them.. Secondly confider who(peaks, this ; IfI (faith Job) be wicked, then wo unto me. Hence obferve, That ( godly, man mayput the worß cafes to himfelf.. The Scripture puts loch cafes to godly men, therefore they nay put. fuch to themfelves (Rom. S. 13) The live after theflefh ye (ball dye, faith.the Apostle, writing to tha Saints.Though fuch a fuppofition cannot be refolred into this pofition, A godly moot /hall