Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v3

544 Chap. r 9. 4n Expofition upott the Bookof J B. verf. r 5. pall dye, yet the fupp ofitiort is true, jibe liveth after the flcfh he (hall dye.So the Apotile of himfelf;and his fellow-Apoftles,yca of the Angels. Ifwe or an Angelfrom heaven,preach any other Gofpel unto you then that which we havepre.ached,let himbe accurfed( Gal. i. 9.) And as Paul prophefìeda curie upon any, either Apolile or Angel,who fhould preach a falle Gofpel, fo a woe upon himfèlf, if he fhould negle Cfto preach the trueGofpel,a Cor. 9, 16. They who are above allcurfes,may be threatned with a curfe.And they who(hall certainly be preferved from doing that which inevita- bly brings the curfe,may be told ofa curie in cafe they Should do it. They put dangerous fuppoí tio. s 3ppofite to thefe, who fay, Let agodly man be neverfo wicked, yet itfhall be well with him ; let himfin as much as be will, yet itfhall be well with him. The Spirit of God never puts fuch Cuppo(ìtions, As the Scripture fpeaks of- ten to perfwade, fo lometiwes to terrifie the godly from fin, but never a title which may be an encouragLment to tìn.It fpeaks much to keep up their hearts in an affurance of pardon, in cafe they fall into fin,and much more tokeep down their corruptions, and to preferve them.from falling into fin. Though there be a truth in it, that how much (Dever a godly man finneth, he (hall be pardoned ; yet the Scripture ufcth no filch langauge, and the form of wholfom words teachcth every man rather to (peak thus, VI be wicked, then woe unto me, IfI be righteous yet will I not lift upmy head. Thcfe words Maud in ari elegant oppofitioti againfi the former. Here are perlons and fiares oppo(i to : perlons, The wicked and the righteous, if I be wicked, ifI be righteous hates, ¡Yoe, antdlift- ing up of the head,ifI be wicked, then woe unto me ; ifI be righteous thenwi/l Inot lift up mine head. He doth not fay,ifI be righteous I (hall be happy, though that be a truth, but (which was more futable to his purpofe) if I be righteous, yet will I not lift up my: bead. Some put this into a dil emma, or double argument, by which job would aggravate the gteatnefs(ofhis affliaion; as if he had Paid, Let me lookwhich way I will, my cafe is veryfad, if I be wick- ed then wa.e be to sue;if I be wickedyet I am fofull offorrows, that I am not able to holdup my head; But I rather interpret this latter fait ofthe verse, as a defeiptionof jobs humility, in the bell of his