AnErepofiti®n upon the Book.of JO B. *rèr"Ç 15. 545 sfpiritual eLtate theta as any aggravationof the illnefs of his temporall eflate. /f I be righteous, He (peaks not as if he doubted whether he were, righteous oà no. Job had (hewed the ftlednefs ofhis fpirit in that aff'urance more then once before, but he puts the heft of his cafe, to fhew how low he was in his own thoughts,when he was at beft.There is a two-fold righteoufnefs ; Firtt, of Jutiification. Secondly, ofSanCtifi:ation, of tincerity or uprightnefs : and fo his meaning is , Suppofe I am fuch, as I have affected my felt-to be, and as Godhintfelfhath te(lified to we to be, perfea and upright, yet I will not lift up my brad;Some read,Icanitot, others, I dare not lift up my head. I will not lift up my head. Not lift up thy head, man,if thou Wert righteous t Why, who in theworld (hall lift up their heads, if the righteous (hall note . , Are there any that have fuch caufe to lift up their heads as t hey He might fay indeed, if I were rich,or if ! were honourable, yet I will not lift up my head,thefe are things which caunot,and there! fore llrhtld not litt up any 113211S fpirit an inch from the ground: but to fay, if! were righteous / would not lift up my head, Teems a degradation or an abatement ofrighteoufnefs. To clear this. I (hall open the phrafe a litttle. To lift up theheadofai other man, is to advance him. Thus Pharaoh lifte,lup the head of his chief Butler,Gen.4.o. a3. And the King of Babylon lifted up the head ofJebojak, n King of judab, and brought himforth nit ofprifon,Jer.52.21. In this fenfe Davidcalls God, The lifter up ofhis bead, Pfal< 3.3, To lift up our own heads, is to prevail, and toget above pref' fang evils viétorioufy,Judg.8.28.Tbus was Midian fubduédbefore she children of Ìfrael,fo that they liftedup their beads no more: that is, Gideon routed,and made Co compleát a conqueft over the Mi- dianite!, that they were totally broken, and could no more infult over Ifrael. The vi&ory ofChrifl overall our fpiritual enemies, is thus d,_ fcribed,Pfal. i o.7.i°lefhatl drinkef the broolt,ix the way that is, of the waters of afüicTion and forrow, which either the wrath of God, or the rage of men gave him td drink, 'while he was' in the way ofperfeaing the work of our redemption ; and Aaaa becaufe