Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v3

Chap. to. Art Expofition.,upax the Bool{,äf J OB: Verri-571 549 yob entreats and prayes for here, See afïiqion,that,is, pity me in my affliction. The wordwhich we render affliction noteth weaknefs, and caftingdown,.er that weaknefs which arifeth from cagingdown, an oppreffuig afßiítión, which like fome,great weight lies heavy upon us. There are different readings ; fome thus, I am filled rvitbá,(ß'i- piidetveaati- ¿lion andfee myforrows. The Lhaldee thus, I swill fouate my Je f nemhomo qut with fh.ome, Iwillfee my. afliitio4. Man Teeth his aiñiEtion by feel- vsyarur, vtdet ing it.Sight which is the chieffenfe,is put for any fenfe.And fò the Deusqui eat') meaning is, though I am righteous, yet i cannot hold up my rcftuci: bpro- head , or take any comfort becaufe I am fo full of confuhon, and fee fomuch afiiiétion ; Asifhe had paid, Can aman at the fome time mourn and rejoyce ? C-in a mantlift up his head; white It bath" push a.load uponbisheart Hence obferve, They who fee much afßiäion;can hardly take'in'any confolation. Come to.agodly man, under great outward or inward trou- bles; tell himof the loveof Gad, of the pardon of fn, of an inheritance among the Saints in light, as his portion ; you can hardly fallen any ofthefe thingsupon him : forrow withiu,keeps comfort out. As till fin be cat}=.out we cannot ad holily :- Co till worldly forrow, or the excefs of godly forrow be cats out, we cannot ad joyfully. The Saints in a right po (lure offpirit, arc joyous in all their tribulations andChrittis able to make confo- lations abound, as tribulation doth abound ; yet where there is abunddnce of tribulation, cot-Ablation is ufually very fcarce. Drops will hardly. be received, where rivers are offeredand pour- ed forth. Satis habeas¡g Anotherreadingofthewords ,reprefentethJobbefpeaikngGo nontniæ et videimpotemi- iti prayer,mixed with complaining, If ,I were righteous, yet cannot aat maaci.Coc. I lift up-my head, be t.hou<fatisftedwith confufron, andbeboldnryaf . fielion.So DI Broughton. As iffob had faid,Let it beerfougb, Lord, let it towfufftce,give mefome safe that I may lift up my head, a liffe before I lay it downforaltogether. Thus David prayp (Pf 39. .r, ;r, i,2.) Wheat box with rebukes dog- corr.e4 ma for quity, that ma- k Ji his beauty to confume away like a moth,fit isva>ti~- ty.0fpare me that Imay recover firength, before,Igo°hense and be-ne more. When.Nehemiab *as humblinghitnfelf, and confeffing_ his fm) and the finof that people,he concludes according to this i n. terpreta ''