Ch3p.aó. ._. ._ Exp9fitiot; rupvx .t1.e B00%,qf 041t:` _. Ver C. 36. 551 When the waters of afiEl:ion. fwcll over the banks and threat- en adeluge,then God turns the ltream; when our (-ores fefter, and are ready to gangrene, then .God applies his baltòme. He fel dome appears ina bufinefs wla.ich .others can do, or undertakes that which is,mtns work.As in the fore travel ofwomen in child- bearing,. wthtr helpers undertake it nor, till (as they fpeak) it be pall nomens works(o God feldomc meddles eminently (he as alwaycs concomitantly) till our deliverance is pall na.zns work, that Co the whole praifeofthe work may be his. When dan- ger is upon the growing.hand.,. then detire God to take deliver ance in hand : Then pray,andpray carneftlÿ, that God would fee your a;lii&ioans when youperceive them tobe encrealing a;tli i ons. So it followsji the next verfe. See thou mine affiWion. Vert 16. For it encreafeth . Thou founteJl me as a fierce Lyon, and again thou Jhérpeli°thyfélfmarvellousupón me. This verfe with the next.,are an elegant and patheticail deferi- ptionof jobs yet growing and prevailing forrows for having d ofed the,t5th verf with an afferrion and a petition, I amfull ofconfufo ,a,therefure fee thou mine o il1ion, he preffech and pur- ffeth,both in,thcie words, For it encreaferh : Taou huntef me as ,s fierce tyon. For it encreafeth. M. F,rottghton renders, How it fleeth up r The Hebrew word is to bonum, ele> taken fometimes in a good, and fometimes in an ill fente. Ito a varur,eminuir, good fed* it {ignlf s. to be lifted up, or to be eminent in excel- t" malumr'nru muit,fuberbirt lency. In an ill fence, it Íignities to be lfited. up, or exalted With. de inanimnrít pride. The word is applied allo to things without life, and then erevit, newt it tignifies to augment byaddition or encreafe. fuie. The Vulgar takes it in that ill lenfe, as noting pride and high- tpindednefs, translatingby the Noun, thus, For pride thou doff catch me as a Lyon or thou doff hunt me as a Lyon, becaufe Iam proud. A Lyon is a ftout creature, and may be an embleme of pride. Another gives a fenfenear that. When it lifieth up it¡felf, then thou hunteff me as a fierce Lyon, When what lifteth up it %If ? when my head lifteth pipit felt; hehad Paid in the former verfe, IfIbe righteous, yet will 1 not lift up my head,for,if I do liftup my bead in pride,then thou wilt hunt me as a fierce Lyon ,I (hall be furs to