Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v3

IJ . Chap. 8. An Expefition upon the Book, of J O B. Verf. 7. Pita, When right is done fpeedily. Secondly, when right is done impartially. Tedious delayes make Courts priions of righteoufnefs, not habitations ofrighteoufirefs. Partial dittributions thew aplace to be a market of righteoufnefs (where he thall`have it that bids rift for it) not an habitation of righteoufnefs, where every one ought to have it that comesfor it ; Tefhall do no s:nrighteoufneJs in judgement {faith the Law, Levit. 19. 15. ) how (hall they avoid it ? thenext words give diref ion,7boufbalt not refpeel the perfon of the poor, nor honour the perfon ofthe mighty. Righteoufnefs takes - not notice of the perfons ofinen, but oftheir caufes. We mutt not dounrighteoufly in charity to thepoor,as well as not in hopes or for gifts from the rich. Again, The Hebrew fignifies a beautiful habitation. Righte- oufnefs loves to dwell in afair houle. It is fo, when, firlt fwept frombribes, thefe are filth in the houle, and the corrupters of righteoufnefs. Secondly, A beautiful houfe hath fiore of lights in it. Jufticc and truth lovenot corners and clofe cells.Juítice muff ad clearly: men cannot bear it,that,what falls upon their fenfes fhould not be in the light of their undertiandings. Godhath fecret judgements, but man mutt not. One pottheard haul( thew another, why he forms or breaks him thus in judgement. Laftly,The beauty ofthehoule ofjuftice a°rifes from good Laws, and good men to execute them. Righteoufnefs cannot ad with- out a rule; and rules cannot ae c themfelves. Good Laws- without good Magiftrates never made any people-a habitation of righte- oufnetí,. It is not good Laws, but good menwhich make a King- dome happy.Now,asunrighteoufhefs makes a thong people weak, a richpeople poor, an honourable people bale, a great eftate to ,decreafe, and come to nothing : So righteoufnefs makes a weak people ftrong, a poor people rich, a mean people honourable , a little eftate encreáfe and corne to-much. Thus Bildadaffures -job with his next br-eath. Vetf,t 7.Thorrçh thybeginning trasfnzall,yet thy latter endfhould greatlyeozereaje. This is the third - gradation. Good will not-only awake-6r thee, and make thee profperous,but he will greatly encreafc thee, Thou fhalt not only-be let inas good a condition as thou waft, but in,a far better. Though