554 Chap; 10. flit lax iefrtíon upon the Bookof ro B. Verf. 16; much mercy as God can give us, he can yet give us'rnore, and make our mercies feven-foldgreater to our apprehenfions then before ; fo also he- can difpenfe"himfelf in the matter of affidli+ on. For it encreafeth.: This encreafe is fet'forth by an elegant fimilitude. Th_etígh fi=- militudes.prove nothing, yet theymuch illufirate what is already. proved. Thou hunteff. :me asafierce Lyon.. Thouhunt e as the rampingSbal{,all :So Mr; Eraughton.Tho` word Shakill,fignifies a fierce assaulting Lyon ; or as we (peak, a Lyon rampant.Sotne translate a Lyoncfr, othersa Leopard, fpoken. oftti the fourth Chapter. We may take it in general for any fierce , cruel and favage. beafl, of-the one kind or. of the a-. then Thouhunteff me asa fierce Lyon-]ForThou;fome render (it) re- ferring to his affliáiou, For it encreafeth, and it hunted; me (my aIit ion hunteth me) ara fierce Lyon. Sorrows are compared to fertfedòlor a fierce Lyon. Afllidions hunt and follow, they tear and destroy, oteu:atleo,fre like a wild beati. Like as a Lyon, or like theyoung Lyon roaringon' papawcc- hisprey (as the Prophet (peaks, Ifa. 45;) When a multitude of den:.PVlere. fhepheards ir.cagedout againji binmCClarifiiscompared to filch a Li- eapiorfcur leo on there) will not be afraidof their voice, nor abate- bimfelffor the ad ecctfonee,. ttoifeofthem : Such were the afiCf ons ofdillreffed, defpifed job, Tendirmibe.p, they bravedhim to his veryface, and would not with -draw or expandisrete,. turn away from him, notwithfttnding all the out- crycs and loud- ""f"'" aced eft lamentations which he made againfl: them. dramcapien- ,idam rec- ount ad priori:; the Septuagint underhand it;t am taken or catched like, a Lyon; as flawfalicira- ifjobhad fail, Lord,. Thou ufefh me as a wild beaft,thore huntef¢. ten,,nap,fu- me as thou wouldeff hunt a Lyon or a bear , thou fetteff nets and Per" et m- toiler thou makefffnares andpits ( as Nimrods do in the hunt- periot on oallïosfl re- ing of Lyons, and other wild beafìs) thou dealefi with me, as if tiq;potentis there. were no taking, no taming of me, but by feverei and fjcsboltam xoyrghefi wayes thou dealetá with me, as ifin my profperity I ha,'`d been like a fierce Lyon,oppreÍling and preying upon thepoor; or,..as if in my aflif iooi 1 -hadprovoked thee to refolve, that thon wilt dam. àbr Sal. Secondly, The comparison is laid between the Lyon and ,fob,. Thou hunteji me as ifI were aLyon :So diversof the Ancients, and