Chap. to. An Expofi`tion upon the Bock, of jO B. Verb. i 6. 5,5 7 both,noting the continued or repeated acts of his affIiCtion. Thou art fhll and fill wondcrfull againft me ; as if Job had Paid, Lcrd,voice pofil Thou nofòoner cea, f Jt, but thou beginne t again, :lone noJòoner ta,iteff eliamAb.t zr, off thy hand, but Ifeelit again;if thougrantrfi me a little breathing, Iterumite andwithdraweff °from me, thole returneJi again ; ifthou giveff over ru71; oftendie mirandatua thechafe a while, thou parfueff h again, with as loud ti cry,with of faÑa inne. fierce affzults as ever; my Prows know no intermiffîon, my paint Druf. knew not onlyno period, but no paufe, I have florin upon /form, grief Inmeenonea. upongreif; here-much and there much, I am alwayrs and every inhere d inml ó1q. again ofiaed, though alreadyhalfdead with afe'llion. lane mortua Whence obferve. etpenocon. God dotb often renew thefane, or fend new ofliWons, upon bis feúo, Mccc. choieeff fervants. One would think that light fhnuld follow darknefs, and day fucceed the night, that though forow continue all the night, yet joy (hould come in the mourning, that after wounding we fhoukt have healing, and after ticklers, health. So they promifed :them- felves (Haf.6:r. ) Come, and let us return unto the Lord, for he hath torn, and be will heal us, he bathfinitten, andhe will binde its up; yet many have felt, woundingafter wounds, and fmiting after blows ; darknefs bath ftept after darknefs, and their for- row bath had a fuccellìon of greater borrows. It was a fpeciall favour to Paul, when Epaphroditus was reil:ored (Phil, 2. 27. ) He WasficI eigh unto death, but( faithhe) Godhad mercy on him, and not on him only, butonme alto ; and why ? Leff Ifhould have forro w uponfarrow. God would not do what form ofhis enemies thought to do, add affliflian to bis hands ; therefore he healed Fault helper, and kept him alive,in whom he fo much delighted. Sorrow uponfarrow is a mournful bearing,yet many a precious Saint bath "born that Coat. The.promife to the Church is, Tha t her peace flallbe as a river , and her,profperity as the waves of the Sea, ICJ. 66.12. When the Church fháli come to her full beauty,and attain a ',erred' reftauration, then her peace'fhallbe a continuedpeace, fhe full have peace upon peace, everlafling fucceflions of peace; a river being fupplied, and fed with a confiant: Bream , thewa- ters that flow to day, will flow again to morrow ; peace like a ri- ver ispeäce, peace, or perpetual peace. SLOus peace (hall not be as a land-flood, loon up, and as boon down again, but as a river, and( which yet heightens it) herprofperityfháll be as the wavw of the fea,If the winde dobut fir upon the face of the Pea, you (hall' have