Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v3

553 Chapao, tlta Expofttionupon the BookVerf.r6. have wave upon wave,waves rolling and riding one upon the bade ,ofanother. Such thall be the ,profperity of Zio,t on earth for a .time, and it will be for ever in heaven s there peace (tall be a,a river to eternity, and ,profperity as the waves of the fea, joy . upt3rrjoy,,and, cointort npon comfort, riding and rolling one up. on theback of another. As it (hall be thus with the.peace of the Chti.rch at latl ; fo it may be with the aûlihions of the Church,or of dny member of the Church atprcfent. Their afflio`}ions may be as a river, andltheir forrows as the waves of the Pea, .coming on, again and again, renewed as often as abated, 111031ütirft Again, thou fherrell thy Pelf rronderfull, or marvellous again(, or inine, upon me. Both rendrings are..confiflent with the original!. ltlarvellous_upon me. That:is, thou doll not punch or afilit mein an ordinary way. Marvels are not every clawwork. Thou taken a new, a orange courfe to try me . fuch añ3Lcîions as mine have no parallel, fuch mirifrrurn fir have Pearce ben heard of, or recorded in the hiliory ofany age. fpet) ui ho Who hath heard of fuch a thing as this ? thou feemeflto defign 7 me fora prelident tv.pofterity, or to thew in my example what ra petirurrarn ; intt confianri thou canll do upon a creamre,7liote Jben,e(f th 1 marvellous upon ?9q; ammo. me,As Wes fpeaks concerning Kor a', and Abiram, when they murmured,and mutined againfl him, and againfi Aaron, If :/oejè mendje the c2njmo,: death of oilmen, or if they bevifitedafter the vifitationofall men, then the Lord bath,rt;t fiat me; but if the Lord make a new doing, and the earth, open ber mouth, and fn'allory them up,then,&c.The Lord to manifeff his cxtream difpleafure a- gain¡ thofe mutineers, did (as it were) devife a new kinde of death for them, If thnfe tvret die the common or the ordinary death of all men,tben the Lord bathnot f nt me ; Tilde men havegiven a new exampleof fin, and flatlyGod wíll make them a new ex- ample ofpunifhmcnt. fob fpeaks the fame fen(, Thou eiref :tby raj mtreellous upon me; thou wilt not be fàtisfied in-af llaingme afti r the rate or meafiire of other men ; all the Saints fhould do ionic fingular rhing,and many of them fuller Tome Gngular thing. The Apou le allures his Carhit bians,a Cora o. 13. Tberebath no temptation to&'nyou, but that which is commoìt.ta. man. job teems to (peak the contrary. A temptation bath taken me,which is not common to man. Further,