Chap. r o . 44 Expofision ups the Book of J O B. Vèr y59, Further, Thefé words, Thouart marvellow upon me, have re- ference to God who fens thofc affliClions, as well as unto theaf- flidions which he Cent; as if he had faid, Lord, thou athfl now betides thy nature and thy cuflome ; thou art mercifull,and thou delightefi in mercy ; thou art good, and thou doeft good; how or whence is it then, that thou art fo fierce againh me, and poureft out fo many evils uponme ? I could not (knowing thee as I do) have belcived, though it had been told me, that the: wouldcíl have been Iìß rigorous and incompa(fionate ; if a profe( fed enemy had done this, he had done like himfelf, and had been no wonder untome ; but now as thou haft afliê#ed me, till I am become a wonder unto many, fo thou, O Lord, art become a wonder unto Inc, and toall who hear how thou halt afited me. Meek Motes made himfelfa wonder , when he broke out in an- ger. Every man is wondered at, when he Both that which he is not enclined to doe, or not ufed to do. Is it not a wonder to fee the patient God angry, the mercifull God fevere, the compaf- fionate God in exorable I Thus, faithYob, Thou fhetveíl thy felt marvellous upon me. Hence ob[erve. Finti, Thatferne a Iiciions ofthe Saints are wonderfull aßíi ri- onr. As God dothiret often fend his people ftrangedeliverances,and works wonders to pret'erve them ; fo he fends them many firange afflictions, and_works wonders to trouble them. And as many punifhm nts of tin upon wicked men, Co Come tryals ofgrace up- on godly'men are very wonderfull. The Lord threatneth the Jews (Deyet. 28. 59.) that he would make their plagues wonder- full, he/Would make llrange workamong them. And he faithof jerufa em, I will wipe it,asa man mipeth a diA,tniping it andturn- ing it upfidedown, or wiping it and turning it upon the face thereof, (2 Kings 21.13.) To fee a great City handled like a little diflr, or a thong Nation turned toptie turvyas we fay)or the bottome up- wards, is a firange thing. It is an ordinary thing to fee Cups and Platters turned up-fide down,but it not ordinary to fee King- doms and Nations turned up-fide down.To wipe Jerufalem as a difh,was to do that which was never done before. Some expound that place of the frequency of afrliEtion, that God would finite them again and again; as they thatmake clean a difh, wipe it o- verand over, that nofilth may flay in it. The Seventy and the Vul-