Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v3

56o , Chap.' o. AnExpofition Upon the Boek of j O B. Vert,' '6. nelebo ¡eru . Vulgartradiate, i will blot out jerufalem as. thy) ufe to blot out a f.,lect r:ut de- table- bookthat Ñwritten all over , , He thatbath a table-book full lèKi folent ta- bult,Vulg, of writing, and would write more, takes,a cloth or a Cpuclgé,,and blottethout what was written ; and that he may .thorowly wipe his'tablebook,he rubs it oftenwith .his fpunge, to get the letters clear out. Thus God threatned to do with ierttfalon, .He world wipe, or blot ont,hcrgolden charaElers and honourable infcr1ption;, nothing of f erufalem, but her flume, and her fin fhould remain blotted out Was nor the judgement brought upon Jerufalem a wander-I whenthe.Xrophet fàith ('Lam4. t2.) The Kings'of the earth andall the inhabitants ofthem orldwould not have beleized The Apoflle (peaks thus ofhis own, and ofhis..feIlow Apofiles af- flictions (r Cora 4 9.) ¡Ve are made a f celacle (as upon a theatre) unto the world, and to Angles, and to men. All begin to wonder 'At us, what the matter is, what..firange creatures we are, .whom the Lord fuffers to be thus ufed. 'The people . of God are. often a gazing Clock tö'the world in regard.of what they do, and not fd- dome m regard ofwhat they fuff-r. Secondly, obferve, That whenGod dothgreatly 410 his own people, be;goes ,out of Ali: ordinary way. He thews himfeif marvellous or wonderful! : a man -is never marvelled at when he goes his old pace in his old ,path. God loves to have his hand in the honey-pot, therefore it is lirange to lèe him give his people a.bitter cup to drink , or feeding them with wormwood and with gall. Judgement is the fi;range .work of God. (Ifà. 28. 21.) The JLordfhall be wrath in the vallty of Gi- beon, that be* maydo bis work bis Jirange work, andbringto pafs bis ail, bisfirange ail. And ifevery work of judgement be his Grange work, a work he delighteth not to be converfanein, what then are great and fore judgements ? Though the Lord b f pleafecj in the executions of judgem.nt, yet becaufe (ifa m¢l e spay be con ,4éived, in;íiiíinity), he is More pleated .with suer- ety'y. therefore judgi rnent:is called his ftrange worI,, hir firange ail. To.fiee a kriuce renowned for clemency andpit y, palling a fevere fenterlce, is a 13:rap fight. We fay he bath fhewed himfclf mar- ije.44.,(11741?pf againft both fíi4ra.C}icc and his niatu'-e, his cud}gene andhis inchthatiön To, fee any: man db whit' he "ufetl not, hatlh.,fomewhat ofwonacr' in it ; mùch tnóre to 'fee God dó fo. When he taketh itphis rodwe begin to flays, howmuch more when