Chap. i Expòfition upon the $ook,gf ) O B. Ver$;.d 7. 5 6 when he taketh up his fword, when he hunts thofe like a Lyon, whom hedearly loveth, and ufeth thofe as wilde beans, who are his,precious children; when he ¡mites them with rigour, who's' he carrieth in his own bofome. Thefe, theft are ads which' rcpre- fent him toadmiration : as many aers of his power and mcrey, caufc the Saints to cry out, admiringly, yet joyfully, Who is a God like unto thee ? SoTome as ofhis vilible feverity caufe others ofthern to cry out admiringly, yet forrowfuliy, Why, O God, . dofi thouad, in appearance, fo unlike thy ¡elf :Verfe. t,. Thou reneweft thy witne f)"es againff me (or than bringeJ new witnef fer againít me) andencreafeth thine indignation uponme changes and war are againft me. This.a7thverfeis but a further amplification of what he had fpokenbefore, fettiHg.forth the greatnefs and frequent returns of his.:trouble. Thou reneweff. The:firtl day ofthe moneth is called Chodefii in the Hebrew Chodeti no. ',from the word here ufed, becaufe then there was a new Moon, or vilunium,prir achange oft he Moon ; fo, Thou renew*, thou maketi a change fins deetmen- g > > g fF,quoquofî I have many new Moons, but they areall and alwaysatfull in iunain nova- forrow. 7hou reneweJt turf Thy iVitner. The Septuagint faith, Thy examinations ; fo it is an allufion to the tryall ofa malefaftour, who is examined by the Judge, and if he dealsnot plainly in confeffron, then his examination is renew- ed. Thus, faith yob, thou:fendef (as it were) newexaminers with more articles and additional' Interrogatories,as ill had con- ceal'd fomewhat,and had not told thee my whole heart. We tranflate ( and fo the wordmolli properly beareth ) wit- nefer ; the fenfe is the fame. As fume malefaflours are often ex- amined, fo more evidence and newwitncur s are brought againfì them a though in the mouth of twoor three witneífes,every word shall be efiablifhed, yet where there are more witnetfes then two or three, there is more efiablifhment. Again, As they who are of a wrangling and unquiet difpofrti- on, will never fit down in a fuit ; when by the examination of Come witneffes, they have brought the matter to a tryall, and are CCCC calf,