Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v3

Chap.S. An Expofition upon the Bookóf J O g, t:erf.7. '49 Though thy bbeginning werefinalI. Thoùgh the head of thy eftate (fd the Hebrew) though the ïl'ivn fi-rtt of thyeftate were finals. A qua quid irs, The wordfinal, notes a finalnefs either in quantity or in quali- tipsy ty, and it is oppofed to a double greatnefs(Gen.z5. 3.) Jacob and .Efau are thus diftinguithed, the one (hall begreat, the other finall, which we tranflate , the ElderJhollferve theyounger; the greater hall ferve the lets. Though thy.beginning wasfmall.) The City that Lot delired ( is called Zoar, from this word, Is it not a little one? Though thy eftate were buta Zoar,a little one, yet it Thall be built of a larger compals. The Septuagint railes the fenfe of the latter claufe, Though thy Tpfnum cú beginningwasfmalt, yet thy latter endfhall be ineffable, fueh as ¡none eziolma,sern tellover or:ae,fèribe. Thy eftate fhall be beyond ac-, count. A'Queftion arifes how we are to make this comparifon bètween Jobs beginning and latter end? Whether we are to refer it to the eftate he had before his affliEtion, compared with what he fhould have after his affliaion; or, whether weare to underhand it ofthe augmentation and'encreáfc of his eftate àfter his affliCion , which at thebeginning fhould bebut fmall , but afterwards fhould re- ceive a mighty augmentation.The fenfeisgood either way. Firft, Ifwe underhand it ofhiseftate before and after his trou- bles compared together ; Though thybeginning or the firfi citate which God gave thee were final], yet thy latter end, or the citate which God will give thee, when thefe forms are'over-blown,fhall wonderfully encreafe. Againff this it may be objected , How can the former eftateof yob be calledfinall,when as it is Paid (Chap.a.)that Job had a very vaft eftate ? We have heard the inventory of his goods , the total fumme or apprizement ofall, being given in by God himfelf,That Job was the greatefi ofall the men in the Eafl. How then can it be laid, that his fit eftate was fnall ? Though thy beginning mere fnzall. I anfwer , comparatively it may becalled fnall. An exceed- ing excefs of greatnefs , leffens and littler any other great- nefs. The Moon is a great light , but the light of the Sun makes that light darkisefs. That which is glorious hath no glory , by reafon of the glory that excelleth ; he that is rich ox H great