562 Chap; o. Art Expofitionupon`the Book of J O B. Verf:a -7: Nonram vide- caff, yet this doth not'fatishe them, they will have their writof. eurdeinßaura errour, and brin the matter about again, in another Court"á,- tefii puritan Thus C faith 709-as " "if the Lord were refolved, this fute thould, teflliunr queri, gum defenten- never have an end,- He reneznethlhis zvitneJfés againft me - When.I-. friends di- think all is concludedand-agreed between us,I am as much to leek. taìoncr ria as ever rhebrings all about again, So that after all my travel, h ra'Pined. amas far from an end," as I was at the - beginning, I am- where-i- was,and am like to continue there, for I fee the Lord -renewing his witneffes againft meftill The doubt is , What or whom " he meaneth by there Wit= neffes z PhitiPPur it One faith, thefe witneffes were devils. - Satan accufed him at do, hell and he is not alone, either in tempting or accuting, he can " 9, loon havea legionto joyn with him in any defign of wickednefs. But I ;.oafs that opinion. Secondly, Others fay, The Witneffes were Jobs three friends, they all teffified againft him,Eliphaz began, and Bildad was his fe- cund, Zopbar flood ready to follow -all againft Thirdly, By witneffcs,mofl(and they molt clearly) underftand rcerroohis - his affliCfions,Tbou renew/ thy witnefjér, that "is thou bringefl:' pucati3Ouef itew troubles to- teflifieagainll"me. When one afiC ion hathfpo defla:ione áe' ken at thy bar againft me, thou calleft for the teftimonyof another, cedente, . aiiam quah and of another, and when there will not be another, I know not,' fuccenuriatam unlefs it be, when I am not. When '-Naomi was become Marah, fufrefiuruses. (her former pleafuaes being, turned into bitternefs ) flit faith Coc, (Ruth, T. 21.) 7b Lord bath terrifiedagainft me. job is very ex- pels in the point at the fixteenth Chapter of this book, and the eight verfe, whichmay be a Commentary upon this. Thou half filled me with wrinckles , which is a witnefs againft me ; and my leannefs rifing up in me, beareth witnefs to myfáce.AttliCtions bring in evidence, and teftihe many wayes. - They,fometimes witnefs' for us, evidencing our graces; our faith, . patience, fücerity and fubmiffìon to the hand of God,' they are witneffei alit ofour adoption or"Spirituai fonthip (Pleb. 12. 8.) Ifyou be without chaltifeurent whereof ail arepartakers then' areye baJtards, andnot Ions. It is no good fign to be free from fuñcrings. Rearye the rod,faith the Prophet Micah as we ought' to hear it, callingus from tin : fo we may hear it calling us fops, Chaftenings (peak our privil'edges, a§ well as our duties, Theyoften witneffes againfì us;