Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v3

564 Chap. t o. Au Expofition upon the Book of J 0B. Vërf.Y 7. every tlroak will bring an evidence aginft the impenitent. The troubles which God brought uponAhaz witneffed emphatically (2 Ckron.28 a2.) This is that KingAhaz, who in the time ofhis di. firefs, did trefpafs,yet more againf the Lord. Ifwe are sop not beta tered by ourdifhcffcs, our difreffes teflifie that we are naught, howmuch more when we are worse in our dithrefs ? Asa 11 good, things which wehave received, fo all evills which we have fuf. fered, will rifeupin judgement againtt those= who =í'i11 continue evil. Fiftly, A1lliQtions witnefs two things: concerning ;Göd: Firt$n` that he hath an eye upon us, and care ofus., He will not let us want any thing that is needful! for us , no not aff!ic` ion. Due ehatlifement given a childe, is an argumen-t,that;his father loveth hi\m, and looks to him. Secondly,. They arei .witnelTes of Gods £atherly,difpleafure. _ Some fay, God cannot be difpleafed with his children, becaufe hislove is everlafting.'.But will any man fay, A father doth not love his childe; because he correQ's him ? yet a father nevercorreL .eth his childe; but when he is difpleafed with him : Parents may not ftrike unprovoked, and 'tis rare. that God cloth fo. A man mays be, much difpleafed with, and much- - love the fame perfon at the fame,time, and'tis very usual for God todo fo. Afflictions never =teflifie anyte leaf' hatred of God a- .gainft his people, but they often tefhhe. home, and fometimes great displeasure against his people. Laftly, Afllic}ionsupon the godly are reckoned very fufficient and crediblewitnefTes by the world, that eitherthey are not god- ly, or that surely force great ungodlinefs, hath been aced by them. Howmany precious men have been call upon this evi- dence,for traitors and rebels againft .God. job's friends took this for proofenough that he was wicked. They could not be per- fwaded he was good, becaufe he endured fo many evils, as the high Prieft cried out againft Chrift,:what furtherneed have we of wi neffes ? behold, now ye have heard his blasphemy ; fo laid Jobs friends concerning him, what need have we :offurther witnefs ? Behold we have feen hismifery. What do these lofles in his e- !late, and ruines uponhis family ? What do thefe fores upon his body, and furrows in his-foul, but publith untous (what he bath kept closeand concealed) the profanenefs ofhis fpirit, and the hypocrite of his former .profeffìon. Job perceiving his friends snakinguse all alongof this.p oof, as oftheir chiefeii and irongett rnediam