Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v3

Chap. i o . An Expofitionupon the Bookof j O B. Verf. J 7. medium, might wel complain to God,upon the renewal' ofevery dayes afilitíon ;Thou renew-eft thy witneffes againJt me. And encreafefi thine indignation upon me, or,thy indignation encrea- feth upon me. In the beginning of the verfe'his own afiáions did encreafe, but here the indignation of God. Indignation is more greivous then afifuion, and the indignation of God is_the moil greivous indignation. The word figuifies wrath, difpleafure, fierce, fiery wrath, hot confumi»g. difpleafure. Increafeth. There isa double increafe here noted. First, Extenfive. Se- condly, Intenfive ; an increafe both in multitude and magnitude;. as if he had Paid, I have more troubles in number, andmore in weight. Indignation is here put for the effeets of indignation ; neither the wrath, nor the love ofGod do ever encreafe in him, but in their exertions or in theputting of them forth towards us. Obferve from it, Firft, That agodly manmay conceivebimfelf under the indignati. no ofGod. The Church floops to it (Mio. 7. 9.) I will bear the indigna vnof the Lord, becaufe I bave ftnnedagainft him. Secondly Obferve, That the more we fee oftin indignation ofGod in any afiftion, the firer is the afi5fion. As the_lovexnd-fcriles.of God comfort the Saints more then all theoutward comforts he heaps upon them;a little with much fen- fable love, is to us huge mercy.So the disfavour and frowns ofGcd, trouble the Saints more then all the troubles, which he heaps upon them. A little withmuch fenfible disfavour, is to us a heavy eras. Let trouble increafe, yet it difpleafure abate, the fpirit ofa man will bear and Rand under it, though his kWh and out- wardman fall under it. Though the furnace thould be heated feven times hotter, yetifthe Lord do but let down one beam or ray ofhis love into the foul, all thatburning fire will be but like 4'` warmSun. But when the fcorchingsofindignation mingle with aftliCtion, this is dreadfitll. The anger of a fool (faithSolomon) 00 565