5 66 Chap. r o. An "Expefition upon the Bookof f O B. Vert:t7 id very heavy , yet that is not fo much as a feather to a milftone or a mountain; compared with theauger of God.. And though be- lievers are freed front that anger and indignation which he darts uponhis cnerñies,yet they to fenfe,yea & to their prefent opinion, i' ay be dealt with as enemies. And though the indignation which God pours upon his own people, and that upon the wicked, be as different as their dates are , yet the one may be under as much temporary pain and forrow as the other' is. For as an hypocrite may for a time taiie as much of. the ,00dne& of. God, and feel as much joy in his"fer-vine,and fometimes more; then a man who is godly and tìncexe, fo altò may one who is godly and lìncere,táfle more of the difpleafure of God for a time, and feel as much follow iu his fufferings, and foinetimçs more, then a wick- ëdman< yob conéludes with thè'fatte thilg,`"in .g, different habit .4 'words. Changes aood'war are'aga'injtme. 1' have varietyofaftliti- .ons, a multitude of aflli uions, and off]iElicns in their ftrength, Pçer,e militant theft' three thingsare implied in thofe two words, Changes and in me, VU'S, 'war he had viriety of afñio`}iens, for changes mere upon him. He had' Ïnarty'anid ftrong aiilions'; Forrear was upon him. One firong man cannot. make a war,nor.manyweak ones. .And it is as flrange'that this fhoiild`be called a Waif'', 'which was but againff one weak man.- The Reman floxies cry up the .honour ofa man, who alone Upon a narrow pats madea Rand againfi a wholear- my, till fupplies carr,e, what íltahl we then fay of Job, who tingle and alone maintained his !landing againff many armies, aírd._held Excidere, quad` out a long war ? Chaoiges'aand-roar areUpon me. ear.Fdirurimmu The fii n word which fignifies changes, liignifies alto deftriraion tatur djlaru or cutting off. Some render' it fo here, excifon or cutting off "(by fuo. which heimeaneth death) io,upon me. ` The other word which ;Z1y We tranflate oar, noteth alfö a fetoran appointed tune, as wars Eß rempus quo.'Thewed at the'firfl''Verfeofthe 7t.b Chapter, If there not an appoint- qua rn(tano time to'mttr upon yartlJ`? So 'fo ne Irani-rate it'here 'putting all àut miluarc of-,` f, ;,o Pf}, toether thin,'',Excijion '(or death, the caufe being put for the ef= Crrrahostantoï fè&)' is up on: me andu'etérminedtinti of my lrfe. aeluetuput M. Broughton- çranflates, ('ange,r tndjtayed ás my,'huye 1 Tä- re to rum king nrbotlr Thterprttations óf.thcvotcf,-fohis fenfe . may be ex= ßP 1 P s ruled kV this'rtéttour 1Lbrtl'' äve ag ' ',la jet'ed `a»d determined intro quodfum ' , r,. moriturus. aide to e ? Irby then'are flick tream $iiúionr preparedaga nff, buerc. aridthdt érl rtrfte,`asffby4hyferl?ouwonieltlt'haften -mydid h, briand m