568 Chap. t o. An Expofitionupon the Bookof J O B. Verf. r'. or divers returns and charges of the Came afflic$ ions. The fecond igmenquid- word earrieth that allution, Changer, and vvar are ,uponme, that danmamrum, is, fuch changes as there is in war, when first one regiment char- ur etiam dici- ges, and another feconds, ind f®, regiment after: regiment,, corn- no, 1:: vet an after company, file after file now the right wing, and then malorum. p y > g $> M.crc. the left, at lait the referve. Thus the Lord-fecmed to tiring up his Vexationet bands and troops of'aflhidions to atfault Job in turns and., changes, turmatimme till his.whole army had affaulted and skirt-milled withhim. ïhofe invaaunt. military terms of .(hooting and warring, are frequent,figúres in Scripture, thewin how God-contlidswith.finfull weak man, af. Sagitendìtt P g mi!itandí vet.- ter the manner ofmen., Obfervehence, bafpeèt eta-- Fjrtt, .That edit-lions .are..at the command ofGod. gamier in fcrrp- He marfhals and difpofes them, asarmies are by their Generals tarsi declarant in times of uar.He çan fa to one afiGticn as the Centurion to his Dei contra y ¡ ir"pios perfla. fouldiers, Co, and it gi; e h, to another, Come, and it cometh, . to a gtilaconft an third,do this,and it doth it. All armies of fotroware ltd by God in chief: They charge whomhe pleaíeth,and where he pleafeth, high or low,perfon or nation:if he,gives theword,they fall onprefcntly, nor will they return till he orders their retreat. Secondly, :Note, That the.Lordbath variety of wayes and. means to affix and try hispeople. Changer and war are againfme. The Phyfitian hath variety of medicines for his tick patient ; ifone removes not the diítemper, he changes, and tryes a fècond. There is nothing fo full of chang- es, as war, not only in regardofthe uncertainty ofevents, but va- rietyof means, . new forces being railed , and new firatagems u- fed, fromday to day. Haft thou but one bleffing ? . laid Efax to his father Ifaac ; the handof man may be ftraitned to one blcf ling, or one blow, but thehand ofGod is never .ftraitned. As he hath ilore ofblcffrngs, fo of blows, and can give both out, both in de, gree and kind diverfrtied ; ifone.army of evils Both not humble and conquer us to his obedience, he can quickly levy a new one. All creatures will come in to his help, if the do but let up his ftan- dard, or give command to beat his drum. He changed his armies ten times againít Pharaoh; ,Pharaoh had indeed changes and war upon him, yet no change wrought in him : therefore the war was changed,till he was deftroyed. This war with Job was not a defiroyingone,but it was a terrible one, fo terrible that he cryes out in the language ofhis former complaints,. Wherefore then haJi thou brought meforth out of the womb.. Job