570 Chap.ro. comfort a little, before 1gee whence IJball net return, &Cc. , iThe i&thand 19th verles carry a fenfe very like to.that which hath been opened at the third Chapter efthis book, where Job complained ofbis birth, ..and was troubled that he had.the. fautfupravi do- world. His paffion runneth out here into a vehement expoftula- lorii. Men. tion,Wherefore baft thou brought meforth out ofthe wornblAs there, Why dyedl notfrom the womb?verfc 11. 'jobputs the Queftion, and demandeth amaccount of God, Why he came out of the womb ? There, are three forts of que- ftions.. ' . .. ■. f irft, Such as arife from a delife of neceflary information s T i s good to ask that we may learn;. Secondly* Such as arife from anecdfefle curiofity. ’Tisnot good i: to ask what no-duty enjoyns us to learn. Thirdly Suchas arife from pure pa(fion,or rather*-from mud- ded perturbation, not fo much deliring information from others, as to vent our ftlves. ’Tis very ilk to ask.,when we care not to learn. Such is the queftion here put (' fay fome) a paffionate queftion, arifing from the fume and vapours o f a diftempered minde, defiring to ask, rather then to be«anfwered, Wherefore bajl thou brought meforth out of the womb. ? As if he had-faid, W is 1 horn only .to be anobject ef.tvil ? came Unto the world to be mode, i-fadfpetlacle to the world,to Angels andto menfhave my daytsbeen lengthened out on furfofe^ that my troubles Might be lengthened.? Such a troubled fenfe there is in thefe words. The complaints of Saints, may, fometimes look, like the hUfphemies of wicked mCJeb complaineth ofhis.birth, and- feems forgetfull of all forr mer benefits. Hence obferve. tin. Coe,*, me out of my mothers womb frlal. 22.-J J00 lpeaKsitasa aaiiiT mage to himfelf, Wherefore ltoft, thou brought meforth out of the womb ? Secondly, oblcrve,, We are ready to thinkjoe live t&no end,if we havtnotOurown ends. That’s the voice of natureuud fofa.r as nature prevails in.us, it vour of a being, ( becaufc he found fuch an ill-being) in the /peaks in us. Thirdly,