Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v3

Chap. to. A4 Expofitidn upon the BookofJ O B. Ve f. t8.' 571 Thirdly, Mon is apt tofay,there is no.reafonfar that,ofwhich he feetb not the reafen. When we are at our wits end, and at our reafons, we think there is an :end of all wifdome and reafcòn, as ifneither"God nor man could give an accouauc beyond ours , or anfwer when we are non-plufi. Yet we may conceive fob had further fence, which yields a more mollifying meaningof theta words, för though he (æs ail the Saints in theold Tefiament ) was much in the dark aboutthe benefit offufferiugs , which the 'Gofpel hath now more clearly revealed tous, and called us unto, yet hemight have Time other intendment in thefe expoflulations' : we may charitably fuppoCe him troubled that he was in a condition of life , which ( as he conceived) hindered the main end of his life, the glorifying of God, Wherefore hall thou brought me forth out ofthe womb ? as if he had Paid, Lord, I am ina ¡late, Wherein I know not how to ho- nour tbee,aatd then what is my life norIhunto me?Ihy juffiee isgreat- ly obfcu;-ed towards me, many are ready to fay, for my fake,thatPurely thou art a hard Haller, leaving :km: to reap evil who have [owed good, andpaying thy faithfull andm aliiveferments their wages in fúffings. And as for mercy, I r411 little of that; comforts are une io met'. é¿ainties with me : my cup is bitter, myforrowr are multiplyed : Now when neitherju(lice nor mercy move vifibly towards me, how 'ball IIT uratur°,.e glorifie thee ? Andwherein canmy life be offull or advsntagious to aqo non jantio thee? Am Inot like a broken veffel, a veffel wherein there is no plea- frugal gratia fire ? Wherefore thenwas Ibroughtforth out ofthe womb ? tua guá tars This expofitiotï teaches us, That, ergogtorü eus A Godlyman thinks he liveth to no ur o e i fbe do not live to the r"f`rvie po. y k P P [ tefi'vit0 "tf0 i' f raife andgloryofGod. cave. God hath madeall things for himfelf , and it is the defign of theSaints to be for him. While that end is attained they can ea lilypart with all their own and where that is crof?fed, they can- not be pleafed in the attainment of any of their own. The inte- reft of Chrin is not only their greateft, butall their intereft. Any flop of, much more a difiervice to this, caufeth an honefi heart to cryout with Job, and ('tis eafie to conceive) it caufed Job to cey out, Wherefore then haft them brought me forth out of the womb Dddd2