Chap. 8, An Expofition upon the Bookof J O B. Verf.y, great hath no riches or greatnefs, by reafon -of riches and gre t Hers whick excel. yob had afair elate before, and was the great- el man of all the men of the Eal ; but. his elate is promifed to be Inch as hall obfcure the former , and render it ínconfiderable. Accordingly,it is laid, in the floryofhis reloring (Chap.42. i o.) Ihat the La../ ../ turned the captivity ofJob ; alfo the Lord gave Job twice as much as he had before. Half'is but a little to the whole. And at the x 2.vcrfe., The Lord blefed the latter endof Jobmore then . hit beginning. whichwords area goodexpolition uponthe text in hand. When jofeph fcnt for his father and biethren to come into JEgypt ( Gen. 45. 20. ), he faith, but asforyour ftuff,donot regard that , for the good ofall the land of JEgypt it before you. Jofepb knew his Father was a,rich man. facob was no beggar: but let all that go for nothing.-, leave it to thole that will take it up, all the good of gypt is before you ; -what is all youhave to the riches of ifgypt ? That's the firft feule. Obferve from it , That The Lord is able to repair all'our lops with abundant advan t ges. We complain of loffes I have loll a great elate, faith one, but The Lord is able to give thee fuchan elate , as that the greatnefs. of the former (hall not be remembred. Secondly, They who lofe much, ufually havegreat repairs. fob was great above all others in theEaft , but now he (hall be made greater thenhimfelf. As in fpirituals,they that have,to them . more hall be given, and they ¡hall have more abundance; fo they that lofe much in temporals, to themmore is given fometimcs then they have loll, and they hall have abundance. There is a fecond Ceiife, to which the letter of the original dotla rat herincline , which makes both parts of the verle look only to his fécond elute, namely,his relauration : and to the fenfe is this; Though thou doejl not prefently thrive andgrow up to a great eflatc, yet afterward thoufhalt ; Though after this breaking and undoing, thou houldf let up (as it were) but with a little Bock, one friend bringing thee a peece offilver , another a peece of gold, a third ä jewel, all making a purfe for thee : and fo thou beginnel- but upon alms andcharity,yetthy latterend (hall greatly encreaf . As if Bildad had laid, Though God thould now begin to comfort, and redore thee,but with fmall matters,yet do not think he will fo conclude with thee, he hath enough in lore. Tile letter of the o- riginal.