572 Chap. i o. An Expofition upon tbe Book of J;O B. Verf. L8',. O that I h.tdgiven-up the ghoft , and no eye had me ! 0 that I hadgiven up theghofi! p.114 The Originall fgnifies ufually a gentle and an ealie kinde of EJ ilee, &fine death ;. Giving up the ghot}, is not a pullingor a violent rending (wore/Aortem of life away fromus,but our laying it down, our furrender or wtl- innuit, ling retignation ofit. Some read this claufe, not as_weopt-atirvëty, O that I hadgiven up the glhofi ! but declaratively, Wherefore . haft thou brought me out of the womb ? for then 1 bad quickly givenup theghoJt. But rather take itas a wifh,0 that I badgiven up thegholt ! And no eye badfeenme ! That is (fay borne) I would I had dyed before.I had been born, .. for then no eye hadUteri me. Or,more generally thus: O that I had dyed fpeedily,fo fpeedily that I might have gone out of the wo rld, before I was obferved to have been there : Who delights to fee the dead ? efpecially a child dead born, or dying as loon as born a Sarah was the delight of Abrahams eyes, while the lived, and yet as loon as the was dead, he gives any money for a fepulchre.to bu ry ber out of his fight. Or again, Job that he might thew how little he regarded lite , difregards that which is mots defireable in Iife. Man naturally defires, To fee, andto befeen, to know,.. andta Dimwit eft be known. That which carriesa great partof the world, is an of omnibus to fef-ation to be pointèd at, and taken notice of, as Some-bodies. in «,gn®Jri feve. the world. He thatliveth unfeen.-in the world, is a man out of ten &Aid o the world or as one buried alive. To-be in rifon is a great punifh- alias res p rognof- ment, becaufe a prifoner liv-eth out of view ; he cannot freely fee. ++twdi. or be feen. job wifhes no eye had feen him, rather then his eyes (hould have feen fo much evil, or that others fhould Ibave feen him. in the midtt offo many evils._ Hence note, Firfi, That-undue and unreafonable queffionsare ufteally followed andfruited withundue andunreafönable wifhet. Having put the dueflion,Whereforeyafithou brought meforth ou: of the womb ? See what a withcomes upon it, 0 that I hadgiv- eao up the ghoJt, andno eye badfeen me ! He that takes undue liber- ty to fpeakor do, knows not where he (hall refrain himfelf. They who alwayes ad as far as they may (hall often at beyond What they ought. And they who aa at all beyond what they