Chap.'ia . An Expofition upon the Book, of J O B. VerCr9. are direÇfed,areoften carried beyond what themfelvesntended. Secondly, Obt rve, Nan bad rather not be lienat all , then to befeen miferable. Tobe teen is a great part of the comfort of this life, but who would notgladly exchange it for cafe inobfcurity ? it is an honour to be feen, but who would be feen cloathed with dithonour ? When Chriti is propheued of, as the great pattern of patience and felf-denyal, it is laid, He hid not hisfacefrom fhame andfpit- ting, Ifa. go. 6. To be a fpcaacie ofrnifery, is to femme worfe then their being miferable. They would count it a pieceof their happi- nefs,to be unhappy Ma corner and their troubles halfremoved,ik they might heal their troubles. As to be in.a good ettate, - and to know that we are fo,tn,kes our ettate better to us : So to be in an ill eftate, and to beknown that we are fo,makcs it to fome tempers a great deal worfeAs the hypocrite hopes when he tins,that no eye fees him :fomany with when they fuffer,0 that no eye hadfeen me ! Verle i9. IAmidhave been, as though I hadnot been, Ifhouldhave been carriedfrom the womb to the grave; Some read this verfe alto as a with , 0 that Ibadbeen , as though I badnever been ! 0 that Ihad been carried from the womb to the grave. He confirms what he had laid, bya. further -declaration of his condition, in cafe he had not been brought forth out of the womb, or had died before he had been feen inure throng of the world Why, what then job ? Then, I fhouldhave beenas though I had not been, and my a11ic$ions 4aould never have had any being : fo fpeedy a death had quitted me of all the evils of my life. I fhould not have fipt or tailed, much lets have drunk fo deep of Eß et nonea this cup of futferings. It is faid of Abortives who die in the Goieftrs womb, andof Inch as die immediately after they are born, They portur, are, and they are not ; they who live but amoment innáture,thall Hippoc. live for ever. A life here let's then a fpan long , will be eternity Abnrrrvurpro lung : yet as to the world, fuch a life isno life, fuck a being too nou rtiv pr being. Lawyers fay, they who die before, or as loon as they are tarin jute. born, are reckoned as unborn ; they make no change in flares, they never had a name, or an intereft in the world, and fothey go for nothing in the world. The Prophet Obadiahe (verfe a 6.) threatens 573