Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v3

Chap. t ctt. An Expofttion upon the _Bookof j O B. Ver1.2o. 575 Verle 20;Are not myrdayesfew ? Ceafe then, and let me alone,that ..may take comfort a little. Are not my dayesfew.? There isadifference in reading: Many tranflatours joyn tha irtryt verbCeafe, with. this claufe : fo that whereas we read, Are not Primo adjun= my dayes few ?. Geafi then, and let me alone ; they read, Will not gunttolo. myfew dayes ceafa ?' then. let me alone that I.may take comfort alittle. Nunluid non M.,Broughton, and he lash a fecond varietlayet further, Will not earumfina be leave ofa.littleinmydays? Intlead ofapplying the word few turbrevi? untodaycs,Are not my dayesfern ? they (takingin the verb) joyn vulg. it to the alit ofßód, Will not he leaveofa little in my dayes ? Tha Annonpauei is, Will,not God forbear a little to trouble me ? Will not h t dies met ceffsn give mea breathing time in my dayes, which are butfew ? Suree enter tot, , fc Tfg. ly he will, he will not be fo firif..with me, I .doubt riot ofa Annonpaulijper gracious anfwer to this humble petition. diebus mi But rather follow our fenfe,and let the full claufe be a queflion, Cef%Jbit? Jun. Are not my dayes.few? And then the next words are an inferenceor tile which he makes from it,Ceafe then, and let me alone, &c. Are not my dayes few ?) The queftion doth affirm, Yes, mx dayes are fcw.The fettlemaybemadeout one of thefe threewayes, and not.unprofìcably byall three, Firft thus, As a juflification of hisformer willies and de -fires to die : Have I not upon good reafon wifhed that i had never lived ? Who can be in lovewith a fhort life, and a long trouble ? Are not my dayesfew ? Or Secondly, As an anfwer to fuck as. objeQed againft him for *thing he had not lived : Doyou know (laid they) What you karte Paid ? Is lifefuch afmalt matter withyou ? or do you underhand whatyou defire, whenyou defire death ? is deformed death becomea taut} inyour eye? What ever you thinkit, lifeis a precious.jewel ? Job) Iknom.very well wbat life is, and I know if Lhad dyed before Iwas born, C hadnot loft much life; What's the life ea few dyes ? The life of eternity is worth the having and them- jig; but. whyfhouldyou think I have wifhed away a matter o f mo- ment, when' rnifhedaway this life ? For are not my. dayesfew ? Whence ()Verve, The loft ofa whole life in this world, is no rtiat left. We cannot great deal, whenall is buta little, nor many, when