514 _.-Chap. ro. An Expofition upon the Book.of JO B. Verf.2~o. .,when wehave but a few in all. .Heloofeth but a few dayes, who dyeth the firli day ; then, what have we got, when we have lived according t o the calculation ofnature, many dayes ? lob makes this an argument to fatisfie others about his with, that all his dayes had been cut off :May not we fatisfieour (elves by- it, when a peice or a part,an eud,the worft end ofour dayes is cut off? What ifwe have abated ten or twenty ofthofeyears which poffibly we might have lived ; twenty years are but a few dayes;for a whole life, con- fillingof three twenties and ten, is but a few dayes. This weare fure of, that the few dayes. we loofe on earth fhàll never be mif- fed in heaven ; it will be no abatement to our comfort there , to think we lived but a little here ; all the.forrows of this life will be fwallowed up in the next, andt.fo will our fudden,parting with this life. Thirdly, Thedearth fenfe oftherewords [Are. not my dayes few?) is, that they are theground of a petition for the mrrtigati -- on ofhis troubles; as ifhe had laid,. Lord, I have but a while to live in the world;nmy dayes arefew,thereforedo not think,much that I fhould have a little comfier and refrefhing in thefe:.my dayes ; confider my life is 'hart, 0 that thou n=o sldejiflack thy hand, and yieldme Peuritas die. kg' eafe and comfort in thisfhort l fe. Hehad ufed this argument d Pau rum i at the fèventh Chapter, verfe 16. Let me alone, for my dayes are abilrafla fig. vanity ; here, Let me alone, for mydayes are few. The fewnefs of nficationem our dayes is one ofthe, vanities ofour dayes. ;neitant et a- cuunt. Are not my dayes few? hmminutionern The Hebrew is,as not fewnefi of dayes mina? Yes, That's my decrementumq; portion. Abllraf,#s often encreafe, and fometimes "they ditninilh fgnffìcat,q. d. the fenfe. Here the fenfe is diminutive ; as if he had Paid, My nunquaraeref- dayes are fo far from many, that they are fewnefs it fell: Mine cis, fed de- are not entreating and growing, -but declining and abatingdayes. erefrit, et ad an. uflias ma. My dayes are going down, they are brought into a leffer, anda joresindict narrower compafs every day. The Chaldee renders, 'AT e nbt my reducitur, 6 (dayes ce.lfin5 ? My dayes fadeand wear out every day, Shen' me in poYPe- bow fbert my life iui clofer to the original) how loon cealing Tam, tua pti- or as others, What, or of what` quantity mine age is how`trastfi- oneevanefcit. > > `I Y Bold tory, how temporary I am. -1n Ceafe bten,andlet me alone. &anti dvi ego. Wb t :Sane read it inthe-thindtperfon,'Thertfor.a ¡let >Ihinrcezfeftn me,