Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v3

578.. An Expofition upon the Bosh, of j O B. ¡Vert zO. many cares about our lives ? many cares and few dayes, yea many cares upon one day ! Thou art carefzrll about many things, faith Chrifi to Martha: Is it not irange that we fhould have fo few dayes, and fomany fins ? Few dayes and innumerable fins, fo many fins as no man can number them, and fo few dayes that a child may number them ? And is not this a wonder above all the refl., that we'fhouldhave but a few dayes, and yet be gravell'd and puzl'd fo as we are innumbring them?A little humane learn- ing will ferve tonumber our dayes, but we need a great deal offpiritual learning to number thern.A little finely in the&lathe - maticks will do it, but we need more then fludy, experience in Divinity before we cando it,and yet neither fiudy nor experience can do it, unlefs God himfelf be our Tutor, He only can teachut fo to number our dayes , that we may apply our hearts unto irif- dome. We fhall commence fools, at Tall, if we havenot one wifer then thewifetl upon earth; to teachus this truth. That d may tale.y e omfort a little. Theword' which we tranflate to take comfort, fignifies fuch. somfor.t as they find, who being heated extreamly, and extrearn ftoboravit,con. thinly, come to drink at a fountain offweet wat ers. The Vulgar fonovit,refpi- readeth it, Let me alone,that I may mount a little ; yet taking in. saroEt, the former ferife, He feems thus to explain himfelf r If the Lord Acit. would let me alone, I would go and cafe my felfwith complain- ing, the waters ofmy head, the fountain ofmine eyes would be a refrefhing to my wearied foul. Sorrows arefometimesjoyour, and moderate:mourning gives the minda reviving. But rather, Take it in the generali, Let me alone that Imay com- fort myPelf, and that there forrows may abate ; I delre to rally, Si doloresr_ and recollet. my fcattercd thoughts a while,and: fo take in force eti dol yee what ofthe fweetnefs of this life before I dye. Ceafe from nie for auult,refpérond,fome doom refrefhing,-faith.M: Broughton. I do not expeI Much, Lord, aliquen let me have Tome before I gó Whence 1fhall not !crush. of fpacium Here obferveone common principle ofnature, eoneeiat. 11fan defireth his own good. A.well- being, as well as a beïngà. *cm what is there in lifefor nature. to prize, if there be nothing but farrow in it Secondly, Qbfetve, 2har greatfuferingsmake; is very modeff its ete.r detotandsa ob