Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v3

Chap. ao. An Expoftiox apex-tbe BookofJ O B. Verf. 21-. job was in greataftiiftion, and now a little comfort would go agreat way with him. When the people of Ifrael were in bon - dage under Pharaoh and his task- matters, and had heavier bur- den; laid upon them, they do. not fo much as move for a total! re- leafe from their task, but rn.od_lily complain, There is no Jtrat given unto thy fervent: , and . they foy to us, Make brick; as if they had Cud , let us luve (craw, and we are willing to make brick. A poor min crycs out for a halt-p:ny, fora farthing, not _.for hundreds or thoufands. tle,thatis ready to ftarve will not ask good chear, or a plentiful) feast, but let me have a crust of . bread, or a little water. When Diver was in hell,what did hede- lire of Abraham? Did he beg to come into his bofome ? Doth he fay, Lazarus is in a good place, let me come too ::No, he d e- fired"buta drop of water; and what was a drop of water to flames offire ?.. O howwould :it. delight _the damned in hell to thinkofaceffation, but for onehour from their pain l What a joy would it be unto them, if it thould be told them that a thou- fand,or ten thoufand. years heuce,they fhould have one, or that they might be let alone to take comfort a little !.They who are low, make low demands. Thinkof this ye that enjoy much comfort, and fwim in rivers of pleafure Let not the great con- folations ofGod be fmall to you,.when you hear.job thus inftant and importunate for thefinallelt. Let me alone that 1 m.ty take comfort a little. But whyis he in fuch halle for alittle comfort one ground is in the former wards, My dayes arefete?and hebacks it with a fe- eo nd in the next. Ifit come riot quickly, it will come too late. I am ready to take my lait journey ,therefore let me take a. little corn- perirhrafisroa- fort. ríendi,1uimri- Verle 2 i Before l go whence IJh.ailnat return, even to the land of ¿ unde obitbo- darknefs, andtheJhadow ofdeath. nempro morte 'Before Igo. veteres ufurpa- Thatis, before 1 die. Death is a: going out of the world rurt.DCnf. Chrilt intimates his death un ier this notion (John r 6.7.) If Igo the Comforter will come. And, Igofrostyou, &c. Dying is a jour- _ neying from one region to another. Death is a changing of our place, though not ofour company. Before:I go whither ? E e e e.2 Whence --_,.- -579