Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v3

580 Chap.' o. Ars.Expofttton upon the Book, of J OB. Vetf.2i Whence j(hall not return. That's a journey- indeed. That which pleafeth us in our longed journeys while we live, is a hòpeofreturning to our own homes again. But when we dye we take a journey from whence there is no returning. Not return ? Shall not a mean return when he diath ? is death an everlaffing departure,, an eternall night ? No, Man (hall return,, but he thall not return to fuch a life or Fidem refarre- fiate as he had before. He is gone for ever-outtofthis world, and 9ioniu non l - out ofall worldly intcre(is.' Job beleived a refurreCfion, or a re- in. Pin. turning from the grave by the power-of God, and he knew, there was no returning by the power of nature, or by the help of awy creature : In that reference, wego, whence we jhallKos return. -So David(peaks ofhis dead Infant, I(ball go to him, but liejhall not iadicatnullom' returns. me, 2'Sam.a2. 25. When once we are shut up in thole íffevim inna chambers ofdeath, and made prifoners in the grave, though all aura cuiparent P et cui the Princes in the world fendwarrants for our releafe, we cannot receptacula get reieafed. The pertinacy and íliffnc&s of the grave is fuch as snimarum obe, yields to Hone. We are fafi (hut up when we are flint up there. dlan:,redde" Loveand the grave will hardly part with that, which they have req; co,antur,_ doled with, and are offeffed of. The grave is one of thofe three gaem(erne! re; P $ ceoaruur.Pin.: things which are never fatisfied, or fay it is enough, From. 30. 15. And as it is unfatiable in receiving, fo it is as clofe in keep- ing, it will part with nothing. A grave is the Parable ofa cove- ous man;he isgreedy to get,andwatchful! tohold: when his mo- neygoes into his purfe , he faith it (hall not return the grave hath a firongappetite to takedown, and as firong a blomack to digefi. Till God (as )G may fo fpeak)by his mighty power gives feteresKoma the grave a vomit, and makes the earth fiomack-fìck with aidsere foie- eating mans flefn, it will not return one morfel. At the refur- 8ón ,abiit& rection this great eater: fhall cats up all again. And as they who revcrfucuti take firong vomits, are put into a kind of trembling convulfion, onemeiorn ir all the powers of the body being (haken ; fuch will the progno- baud obfcure flicks be of the, refurrectioa. There was an earthquake when innuenrer.Ter Cbrifi arofe, God made the earth (hake, and commanded it to Calve,crerrum give back the prifoner, becaufe it wasnot poiblo that hefhouldbe peibimarim° holden ofit. And when God fpeaks the word, it will not be pof- tatia fiblefor the grave tohold us prifoners : tilI then it was u- Eternumq: fual among the Ancients, to fa. ofa dead friend, He isgone, and vale.V ire. $ Y $ &ead. he will come again, intimating a at-oration, Heathens not knowing