Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v3

knowing nor beleiving i t , call death , An ttemail leave-taking Valeantquiin- »rfarewell never to meet again. ■ termsAiJEdi- | ' Obferve from this defcriptionof the grave, Tereat!"* That theftatutes of death, are. unrepeatable. Death is an everlafting banishment from the world, 1 Jhall go whence IJhall not return. This may lye very fad upon theirlpirits, who have not a better place then the world to go to, when they . gofrom the world. Ta go whence we flnll never return, and hfbnduh, vet where we caunot endure to b; amoment, is deeped miferyv sic.ju^e rune Chap.iO. An Expojition upon the Bool^ofj O B. Verf.22. 581 tnc realOil Wily VVlUtVCUIWUl, vyuuu V.'jtnwiui.couic avranv-wwa, fo unwillingly to this deep, they know'whether they are going, only they know they cannot return. M ekeyefriends ( ’tis Chrirts counfelj oftheMantmon of unrighteoufnefs, that whenyefail they ' 'm a y receiveyou into everljftinfbabitations(L,uk. 1 0 9.)btimmon of unrighteoufnefs, that is, fay moil Interpreters, Mammon gotten vmrighteoullyi butfurely Chrift would not teach'us to make men our friends, by that w iich makes G>d oar enemy. Toey trad- Hate b tter who render it, Mikgye friend. of the.falfe or unfaith- ^j\,Mrab HsU full bf imn<n, That is, of that Mammonwhichwill deceive and Umjlisufu leave you (hortly, therefore in-ake you friends, while* you have Hjbrnerum. it i- that when ye fail, that is when you dye or go out of the et‘‘ru't\ en* world,4they miy receive you, that is, ye may be received in- to everlafting habitations-, leave not this habitation till ye have got-intereft in a better. The Saints arm themfelves againft death by this argument, We kjvwtbat i f our earthly boufeof this tabernacle were diffolvedyve have a building of God, an houfe not made with bandy.eternal in the heavens ("aCor. 5. *•) We know.there is no return to buildings madewith hands,we muft leave our hbU fcs for ever, our lands for ever, and our relations for ever, bat j WOare affuredof abuildingofGod,an hotifenot made with bindlf* ■ternall in the heavens. This fupported, their hearts, wherithdir . " ":u earthlyhoufeswer£falling. , V' .. having thusdefcribed death it ll-lf, proceeds to dcfcribe the grave, which is the place of death, or the Black-ball of the KimJ>f teyrours. Would you know what this place isj.froin wteace thereis no returning? itis,faith he ("in the clofe of this , vetCeJ even the land ofdarkpefr, and thejhadow of death. And !o thelaft vcife. - 1 ‘ Veife