Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v3

dhap:8. An Expofition upon the Bookof 7 O B.. `: erf.7. 51 riginal is moll clear for this,the words being affertive, rather,.then fuppofrtive,2hy beginningfhall befmall,and thy latter endfhall great- cum ciic t,erir, ly encreaje-: which refers to the time future,not pall, as we and fatit tnticacJB ti lopt de is bo others tranflate. no,quxbabitu- Hence obferve That rug cJl, Ji ref- The Lord cloth ufually raid hit people by degrees. puerit, non ds Theydo not receive all at once. It is true of perfons, families, ii, qua' habuit, and Nations. We muff not look for all ina day. Outward mercies antehanc teth- ma come too fail upon us, tilde be a glut of them. We may pefi oret.D y p Y g folet Dean have more than we know how to order or take in, it may do ditarefuns, non hurt to receive, all together. As it is with men that have been long uno remporeft- pined with famine and hunger, and are grown out oftheir ordina- mnl,fedpaula- ry courfe, by reafon of their neceflìtated abflinence : We do di uporotdt not prefently°give them all manner ofgood cheer, or bring them poco,Galli,?eu to a full table,and let them eat as much, as they will ; but- wegive dpeu. ?den. them alittle anda little at a time?, and fo by degrees' bring their flomacks on, till they be wrought for plenty. So when the Lord brings perlons or nationsvery low; he doth not bring in a glut of mercies at firtI, this would be more then they are able to bear; they maybe undone, iftheyhave all at one receit; but he gives as they are able to take them in, and make a right ufe of them. As f acob faid to Efau his brother,when he invited him tomarch with him; no,faith Jacob,I cannot march thypace,I mull confider what my train is, I have flocks here that are great with young , And if Ifhould over-drive them one day, they would all die : therefore ( faith he) I will leadonfoftly, according as the cattel that are be- fore me, and the children be able to endure. So it is in this cafe, the Lord in infinite wifdome gives, as men areable to receive. We may be over-mercy'd, as well asover- affl'il`ted; over-laden with comb forts, as well as with farrows. And therefore._as the Lord doth correl in judgement and in meafure: fo all() doth he reflore. We have not full-tide in a moment, or in a quarter ofan hour : it would be terrible , dangerous and troublefome , if when it is low water we fhould have full tide in a moment ; but it -comes in flealing by degrees , and at Taft it fwels all over the banks. Such a flealing floodof mercies the Lord gives his people. Therefore be caution'd. In the returns of mercy do not de- fpife fìnall things. Your beginnings may be inconfiderable, this is but à little, and that isbut a little, but do not defpife the firft H 2 or