Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v3

,ss 82 "Chap. ro. Au Expojstion upota the Bookof J O B. Verf.:z2. Verde 22. A land ofdarknefs, asciarks:eft it felf, and of the jhadou; of death,without anyorder,and where the light isas dark- nefs. This is theplace where.death dwels, or the feat of death, and here's a defcription ofit, whichexceeds the Phanue of Poets, and the rhetorick of all Heathen Oratours. The Spirit ofGod ri- feth to the height ofeloquence in difcovering that unpleafant re- gíon. This fubterranean Geography, gives a double chara¿l'er ofit. r. A landof darknefs. z. A landof the fbadozv of death; both which are aggravated by their additions. It is a land of darknefs, but not ofanordinary darknefs, It is a land ofdarknefs, as dark: net e itfelt. It is a land of the fhadow of death, not of an ordinary Ihadowofdeath, but of the fhadow of death, r. Without anyor- der. 2. Where the light is as darkntfs., A landofdarknefs. That is,abounding with darknefs,a land where darknefs is the flaple, and theonly commodity co be had. Darknefs is thehang - ing and ornament of the houfe of death. The grave is eltewhcré taped, A land offorgetfulnefs (Pfal. 88. 12.) betaut: there all things are forgotten. We read (fer, r a. 5.;ofa landofpeace, that is,a land wherepeace abounds, a land in every corner whereof /peace fprings and groweth up.Canaan; Deut. 8 8.) was called, A good land, a landofbrooks ofwater , offountains anddepths, that fpring out ofthe valleys andhills, A landofwheat andbarley, and vines, and fig- trees, andpomegranates ; A landofoyl-olive, and of boney: That is, a land where there good things were natural and . plentifull. A laud where the neighbour Nations might furnifh cumrepu?. , themfclves, and fraight their Ships with thole commodities. In ,eb umdiei. fuch a fenfe job calls the grave, a landof darknefs; as if he had tur terra `,faid,would you knowwhat themerchandizeof the grave is ? I tenebrarum, will tell you,it is darknefs,there youmay have darknefs as much ibi za asyou deiire,and betides that nothin howmuch foever norivo fete ob- Y g, in. Iire it. eelligiturpro. This (hews the terrour ofdeath toa nicer natural underfftd- venire. ins. .Many are afraid to beat all in the dark, hòw' much more to be alwayes in darknefs : As light is put for joy, fo darknefs for :furrow. Darknefs, whether fpiri:ual or natural`, 'isafii`Daive. rk